This is the first day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge in 2021
In August before a vue – tencent map using tencent mapping are introduced in the use of point, line, the recent upgrade project, need to draw a fence, multipoint and search functions, the fence is a closed surface, when a point beyond the fence is not qualified, more is the point of his paintings, can drag point location, at the same time support the input keywords to search the function of the place names, After a knock knock, accumulated some experience, record.
I won’t go over the basic code, but focus on the upgrades
Draw the fence
// Echo the fence
if(this.latLng && this.latLng.length > 0) {let path = [];
this.latLng.forEach(item= > {
path.push(new window.qq.maps.LatLng(,item.lng));
}else {
// Drawing tool
Copy the code
1. Obtain drawing tools
getDrawMan() {
// Drawing tool
drawingManager = new window.qq.maps.drawing.DrawingManager({
drawingMode: window.qq.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON,
// Set parameters for the DrawingManager map control
drawingControlOptions: {
position: window.qq.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER,
drawingModes: [
// Draw the polygon property
polygonOptions: {
strokeColor: '#5584FF'.fillColor: new window.qq.maps.Color(,
strokeWeight: 5.strokeDashStyle: 'dash'.// Polygon shape. The solid line is solid and the dotted line is DASH.
clickable: true.// Whether polygons are clickable
editable: true,},snapMode: true}); drawingManager.setMap(map);// The drawing is complete
window.qq.maps.event.addListener(drawingManager, 'polygoncomplete'.(event) = > {
// After drawing, pass the latitude and longitude coordinates to the parent
this.$emit('saveLatLng',event.getPath().elems, zoomLevel);
drawingManager.setDrawingMode(null);// Clear the drawing mode
this.lines = event;
polygon = null; })},Copy the code
2. Draw the fence
polygon = new window.qq.maps.Polygon({
path: path,// The paths of polygons are made up of latitude and longitude coordinates
strokeColor: '#5584FF'.fillColor: new window.qq.maps.Color(, // The opacity of the polygon can be set via the alpha property of the Color object.
strokeDashStyle: 'dash'.// Polygon border styles are solid and dash.
strokeWeight: 5.// The border width of the polygon
map: map,// Map to display polygons
clickable: true.// Whether polygons are clickable
editable:!this.disabled,// After the editing function is enabled, you can drag the endpoint to adjust the polygon. Double-click the node to delete it
zIndex: 1000});let _this = this;
// Add a node
_this.$emit('saveLatLng',event.path.elems, zoomLevel);
// Move the node
_this.$emit('saveLatLng',event.path.elems, zoomLevel);
// Delete a node
_this.$emit('saveLatLng',event.path.elems, zoomLevel);
Copy the code
The effect is as follows: solid white dots are draggable positions and fences must be closed
Two. Draw multiple points
// Add dom listening events
window.qq.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click'.(event) = > {
this.$emit('saveLatLng',markerArray, zoomLevel);
// Add tags
if(this.latLng && this.latLng.length) {
this.latLng.forEach(item= > {
let location = new window.qq.maps.LatLng(item.latitude,item.longitude);
this.addMarker(location); })}Copy the code
Add tag
addMarker(location) {
marker = new window.qq.maps.Marker({
icon: new window.qq.maps.MarkerImage(require('@/assets/images/marker_blue.png'), new window.qq.maps.Size(32.37)),
position: location,
map: map,
title: new Date().getTime()
// Can be moved when not viewing
marker.setDraggable(true);// Set the tag to drag
let that = this;
markerArray.push(location);/ / call back
markerArr.push(marker);// Delete
// Set Marker to stop dragging event
window.qq.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend'.function(event) {//
markerArray = [];
markerArr.forEach(item= >{
if(item.title == marker.title){ = (;
item.lng = (event.latLng.lng).toFixed(6);
let location = new window.qq.maps.LatLng(,item.position.lng);
that.$emit('saveLatLng',markerArray, zoomLevel);
Copy the code
The renderings are as follows:
Three. Realize the search function
1. Search the location HTML
<el-input v-model="keyword" placeholder="Please enter a keyword search" id="place" class="wid240"></el-input> Enter the address, automatic completionCopy the code
Introduce the search library….” + baseMapKey. BaseMapKey is the key applied for by the user
2. Search for location JS
// Search instantiation completes automatically
this.ap = new'place'), {
offset: new window.qq.maps.Size(0.5),
location: Nanjing City
// Call Poi to retrieve the class. Used for local search, peripheral search and other services
this.searchService = new window.qq.maps.SearchService({
complete: function(results){
if(! keyword){if (markerSearchArr) {
for (let i in markerSearchArr) {
markerSearchArr = [];
if(results.type === "CITY_LIST") {
let pois = results.detail.pois;
let latlngBounds = new window.qq.maps.LatLngBounds();
for(let i = 0,l = pois.length; i < l; i++){let poi = pois[i];
let marker = new window.qq.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: poi.latLng
markerSearchArr.push(marker);// Delete} map.fitBounds(latlngBounds); }});// Add the search listening event
window.qq.maps.event.addListener(this.ap, "confirm".function(res){
keyword = res.value;;
// The search is over
Copy the code
The renderings are as follows:
The above is the further use of Tencent map, record, review the old and know new!