1. V-if and V-for have a higher priority. If they occur at the same time, how can they be optimized to achieve better performance?
Source location
url src\compiler\codegen\index.js
export function genElement (el: ASTElement, state: CodegenState) :string {
if (el.parent) {
el.pre = el.pre || el.parent.pre
if(el.staticRoot && ! el.staticProcessed) {return genStatic(el, state)
} else if(el.once && ! el.onceProcessed) {return genOnce(el, state)
} else if(el.for && ! el.forProcessed) {// Line 64 => for takes precedence over if
return genFor(el, state)
} else if(el.if && ! el.ifProcessed) {return genIf(el, state)
} else if (el.tag === 'template'&&! el.slotTarget && ! state.pre) {return genChildren(el, state) || 'void 0'
} else if (el.tag === 'slot') {
return genSlot(el, state)
} else {
// ...}}Copy the code
Conclusion: Obviously V-for is resolved in preference to V-if
Test sibling vs. non-sibling comparisons (if both occur, how can they be optimized for better performance?)
<p v-for="item in items" v-if="condition"></p><! -- --><div v-if="condition"><p v-for="item in items"></p></div>
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After peer execution
ƒ anonymous () {with (this) {return _c (' div '{attrs: {" id ":" demo "}}, _l ((children), function (the child) {return (isFolder)? _c('p',[_v(_s(child.title))]):_e()}),0)} }Copy the code
After different levels of execution
(function anonymous() {
with (this) { return _c('div', { attrs: { "id": "demo" } }, [(isFolder) ? _c('div', _l((children), function (child) { return _c('p', [_v(_s(child.title))]) }), 0) : _e()]) }
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Find that the render order is executed differently and draw the conclusion
- Parsing the rendering process is to enter the loop to iterate over the numbers and then make a conditional judgment.
- At the same time, loops are performed before conditions are judged on each render, because loops are inevitable and waste performance. V-if judgments can be made on the outer layer and loops on the inside
- If conditions occur inside the loop, items that do not need to be displayed can be filtered ahead of time by calculating attributes