Evaluate properties and method calls

  • All computed attributes are written as functions in the computed option in the Vue instance, which ultimately returns the computed result

    • Method is executed once per call;
    • The state of the dependency changes:
    • Calculated properties are recalculated;
    • Method is called n times;
    • The calculated property caches the result of each time;
  • Component Registration

    • That the component


    • Local components


    • The difference between how components are written and Vue instances

    • Custom components require a root Element

    • Data from parent and child components cannot be shared

    • Components can have Data, methods, computed, but data must be a function

    data(){return {dataList:dataitem}}
    Copy the code
    • Component communication

    • Parent and child components pass values

    • Property verification

    • refs

      • Ref in the label, you can get the original node
      • Ref is placed on the component, gets the component object, and can also pass values to child components
      $refs.subtext.subevent (); // The parent component can call the state and method in the child component by defining the ref in the child component<subbar ref="subText"></subbar> # subcomponent Vue.component("navbar", {template:` 
      .data(){ return { subComp:123123.subList: ['123'.'avc'.'ggg']}},methods: {subEvent(data){ console.log(123+1+43, data); }}})const vm = new Vue({ el:'#app'.data: {isShow:false.fuSay:'Father to child' }, methods: {handleEvent(){ / / the console. The log (' test: 'this. $refs. SubText); this.$refs.subText.subEvent(this.fuSay) } } }) Copy the code
      • Rel event bus
      <! DOCTYPEhtml>
              <meta charset="utf-8">
              <div id="app">
          <script src=".. /1day/vue.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript">
              / / broker
              let bus = new Vue()
              / / publisher
              Vue.component("wxnauthor", {template:'
      .data(){ return{ authorDataList:'123'}},methods: {handleAuthor(){ bus.$emit("wxmessage".this.$refs.mytext.value) } } }) / / listeners Vue.component("wxnuser", {template:`
      Receive message
      .// To implement listening, add bus.$on in the appropriate place // Vue lifecycle function mounted() { // Render complete lifecycle function console.log("Render complete"); bus.$on("wxmessage".(e) = >{ console.log("Received push message",e); })}})new Vue({ el:'#app'.data: {}})
      </script> </html> Copy the code