Since some of the pages are similar and have the same things, I thought I would use the slot method to write a template component to reduce code duplication and save development time

You define a named slot in the helloWorld component called head and you bundle two properties, data and done where done is a method

When you use the app.vue file, you receive it by using the # shorthand and then you deconstruct it to accept the attributes of the slot similar to the props website example

The done method on my side can be called directly

It’s similar to calling a method on a child component, but sometimes it’s not convenient to call a method on a child component if you have multiple layers

What if you want to process the data first and then call this method? I’ve been thinking about this for a long time because you can only call one method on the tag and you can’t call multiple methods, so instead of just calling a few methods like you would with JS, you can just pass the method as an argument and call it like a callback function

You can also rename the parameters when you accept them so that they are displayed in the echo without processing the data

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