Vuex alternatives;

  • Disadvantages of Vuex 1, cause unnecessary volume; 2, cause complex management trouble;

  • alternative

  • Register a bus globally

Vue.prototype.bus = new Vue();
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Emit events via $emit

this.bus.$emit('change'.'I'm passing the argument')
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Listen in Mounted in the component that needs to listen for the above events

            this.msg = 'Triggered by app.vue clicking on an image'+msg; })},Copy the code

Principle: Using vUE’s own observer mode to monitor events;

Disadvantages: 1, every time to trigger events, monitoring events, trouble to manage; 2, Vue. Prototype. Bus = new Vue(); It’s not elegant;

  • 2. Easy Store

Create a mystore.js

import vue from 'vue';
export const store = vue.observable({a:123});
exportconst mutations = { changeDep(msg){ store.a = msg; }}Copy the code
      a() {returnstore.a; }}Copy the code

Packaging optimization

1. Reduce resolve and limit include; 2. DLL principle; 3, happypack;

  • Plug-ins To solve project problems Why do you need plug-ins? Provides your global custom operations. There are always special needs within a project, and plug-ins are there for us to solve those needs. It can be injected into the life cycle of each component and then do something automatically.

  • Requirement: The vuEX of the project is too large (for example, hundreds of data in vuex will be packaged into app.js at last), leading to the processing of the packaged result is too large: load vuex asynchronously by component split


Plug-in to write

var obj = {
            created:function() {if(this.$options.isVuex){
                    var name = this.$; // Dynamic import is lazy loading and will not be packaged with app.js import('.. /store/modules/'+name).then((res)=>{
module.exports = obj;
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The contents of the module, such as store/modules/HelloWorld) content in js:

export default{
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After this dynamic introduction, you can retrieve the contents of the module when accessing HelloWorld.vue