Nuxt use less

Install less and less-loader

yarn add less-loader less -D

Nuxt less Global variable

Injecting variables into a page can be done using @nuxtjs/style-resources

Install yarn add@nuxtjs /style-resources -d

Configuration nuxt. Config. Js

modules: [
  // Doc:
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Use of VUex in NUXT

Same as vUE framework

Vue-ant-design main configuration in NUxT

Modify the configuration of nuxt.config.js

css: ['ant-design-vue/dist/antd.less'],
build: {
    loaders: {
      less: {
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        modifyVars: {
          'primary-color': 'green',
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Nuxt images lazy loading

Lazy loading of images

Nuxt global data store

1. Create the store-cache.js file in the plugin folder

Export default function (CTX) {// Store data to localStorage window.addeventListener ('beforeunload', () => { localStorage.setItem('storeCache', JSON. Stringify (}) const storeCache = localstorage.getitem ('storeCache') if (storeCache) { ReplaceState (json.parse (storeCache))}}Copy the code

2. Reference the file in nuxt.config.js. Set SSR to false. If set to true, the file is loaded on the server

  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/store-cache', ssr: false },
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  1. Used in routing and components
Server-side publishing…

The configuration file nuxt.config.js modifies the port and host

Server: {port: 8090, // default: 3000, 8090 host: '', // default: localhost}Copy the code
  1. Package compiled

If a message is displayed indicating that a module is not installed, manually install the module

cnpm i
npm run build
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2. Deploy the project using PM2

pm2 start npm --name "canpoint-site" -- run start
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Using animated. CSS