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Recently, there was a demand – activity raffle, and the weird thing was that instead of nine, twelve prizes, there were seven. Display all prizes on the front, one prize on the 9th draw, the other prizes on the normal draw. This demand itself is not difficult, mainly because this is the first time to do the lottery, some unknown feeling. The project is online. Record it for future reference.

Lucky draw for implementation

Step 1: Layout of 7 prizes

Design requirements, the first row displays 4 prizes, the second row displays 3 prizes, if the seven prizes are sorted from 0, as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Step 2: The lottery moves

But the effect of the lottery is to rotate clockwise 0,1,2,3,6,5,4. How to ensure the order of rotation of the lottery, 🤔? Well, that’s a good question.

ArrNum = [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4]; prizeIndex starts at 0 by default. If prizes are defined as an array of prizes, setInterval is used to switch the pointer periodically to display the dynamic effect of the lucky draw. If the pointer is at 3, then the next pointer should point to 6. Here are the 10 prizes that make the lucky draw, as shown in figure 4, here are the 10 prizes that make the lucky draw.

The dynamic effect is transition,

.prize-item{/ /...transition: 0.3 s;
      transform: scale(1);
      &::before{/ /...transition: 0.5 s;
        opacity: 0; }}.chose {
    position: relative;
    &::before {
      transition: 0.1 s;
      opacity: 1;
    .prize-item {
      transform: scale(1.5); }}Copy the code

Step 3: Draw prizes

Now that the draw is moving, how does the pointer point to the winning prize, highlight the winning result, and terminate the animation? Before the animation starts, we get the result of the draw, and from the result of the draw, I can calculate the element serial number of the winning prize. When the sweepstakes move function, pointer and winning sequence number match, clearInterval is used to display the result of the sweepstakes.

Step 4: Lottery dynamic effect optimization (from fast to slow)

The product does not want the dynamic effect of the lottery to be uniform, and hopes to have a sweeping effect from fast to slow. 🤔 divides the dynamic effect into two parts to deal with, first fast rotation, then slow rotation. A simpler solution. Make a fixed number of fast turns, and then make the last slow turn to the winning prize.


This article does not post a lot of code, the main record of writing activity lottery code ideas. Refined a DEMO, you can refer to.

Source address: https://github.com/habc0807/LuckyDraw/tree/main