Vue self-cultivation

1. Create a project (UI interface)

1.1 download the node. Js

1.2 Downloading CNPM (if necessary)

NPM install - g CNPM - registry= check related software install 1. View node node -v 2. View vue vue -v (v must be capitalized) 3. Check CNPM CNPM -v 4. If bash: vue Command Not found is displayed after the vUE or CNPM is successfully installed, check the configuration of environment variablesCopy the code

1.3 Install the latest Vue CLI scaffolding tool

CNPM i-g@vue /cli If the CNPM is not installed, use NPM i-g@vue /cli. 1. After the installation is successful, check the version of the scaffold. Vu-v version in 3.0 or above can use the UI interface to create projectsCopy the code

1.4 Enter vue UI on the CLI to start the GUI

1.5 Click Create Project select folder

1.6 Custom Files

1.7 Selecting a Preset (Default or Vue3.0)

1.7 Generating the Project Page (In the Process of Generating…)

1.8 Project Page Generation (Succeeded)

1.9 You can view installed plug-ins or search and download required plug-ins

2.0 Generated project structure