1- Scaffolding installation tools (global)

npm install -g @vue/cli
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2- View the Vue CLI installation version

vue --version
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3- Create a new project

Vue create Project nameCopy the code

4- Generate project content:

1.Public: public static resources that do not participate in compilation and packaging (required for public projects)2.SRC: Develop resource packages3..gitignore: Upload git, ignoring file configuration4.Babel.config. js Banel configuration file5.Package. json package configuration file6.Package-lock. json version locks the file7.App. Vue root component8.Main.js Entry js file9.Components folder10.Static assets required by the SRC /assets component are compiled and packaged11.SRC /router Indicates the routing folder12.SRC /views module folderCopy the code
  • Single-file components: templates, styles, js in one file;
  • The scaffold.vueThe ending file is the component

4- Run the development environment

NPM run serve // Starts a development server (based on webpack-dev-server) with hot-module-replacement of modules out of the box. / / App running at: - Local: http://localhost:8080/ - Network: the code

5- Install the router

npm install vue-router
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