In Vue2.0 route jump, in addition to using

to create a tag to define the navigation link, we can also use the router instance method, by writing code to achieve this.

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To navigate to different urls, use the router.push method. This method adds a new record to the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser back button, it returns to the previous URL.

This method is called internally when you click

, so click

is equivalent to calling router.push(…) .

  • Declarative:<router-link :to="..." >
  • Programmatic:router.push(...)

The argument to this method can be a string path or an object describing the address.

/ / string
/ / object
this.$router.push({path: '/login? url=' + this.$route.path});
// Named route
router.push({ name: 'user', params: { userId: 123 }})
// With query parameters, become /backend/order? selected=2
this.$router.push({path: '/backend/order', query: {selected: "2"}});
// Set query parameters
this.$'v1/user/select-stage', {stage: stage})
      .then(({data: {code, content}}) => {
            if (code === 0) {
                / / object
                this.$router.push({path: '/home'});
            }else if(code === 10) {// With query parameters, change to /login? stage=stage
                this.$router.push({path: '/login', query:{stage: stage}}); }});// Design the query parameter object
let queryData = {};
if (this.$route.query.stage) {
    queryData.stage = this.$route.query.stage;
if (this.$route.query.url) {
    queryData.url = this.$route.query.url;
this.$router.push({path: '/my/profile', query: queryData});
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With the replace attribute, when clicked, router.replace() is called instead of router.push(), so no history is left after navigation. Clicking the back button will not return you to this page.

// With replace: true, it does not add a new record to 'history', but replaces the current history record with its method name.
 this.$router.push({path: '/home', replace: true})
 // If it is declarative, write it like this:
 <router-link :to="..." replace></router-link>
 // Program:
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Integrated case

 this.$router.push({path: '/coach/' + this.$, query: queryData});
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  1. Click to return to the previous page
<button @click="goback">goback</button>
  	this.$router.go(- 1)}}Copy the code
  1. Click to jump to the /Foo2 page

 <button @click="ToLink1">goback</button>
   this.$router.push('/foo2')}Copy the code

Or the method of the this.$router.push({name:’Foo2′}) object.

Develop reading

The basic modes of vUE route parameter transmission

1, dynamic routing (page refresh data is not lost)

Methods: {insurance(id) {
       // Call $router.push directly to jump with parameters
          path: `/particulars/${id}`})},Copy the code

The routing configuration

     path: '/particulars/:id'.name: 'particulars'.component: particulars
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The receive page is received with this.$

2. The route name matches and the parameter is passed through params

Methods: {insurance(id) {
          name: 'particulars'.params: {
            id: id
Copy the code

The routing configuration

     path: '/particulars'.name: 'particulars'.component: particulars
Copy the code

This.$ is also used to receive arguments

3, Route path path match,

Pass parameters through query, in which case the parameters passed by Query are displayed after the URL? Id =?

Methods: {insurance(id) {
          path: '/particulars'.query: {
            id: id
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The routing configuration

     path: '/particulars'.name: 'particulars'.component: particulars
Copy the code

This.$ receives the parameter

Query (params); query (params);

  1. On the usage

Query = path; params = name; this.$; this.$;

$router = $route; $router = $route;

  1. On the show

Query is more like get in Ajax, and Params is more like POST. The former displays the parameters in the browser address bar, while the latter does not.