I. Vue responsive schematic diagram

Two, Vue response type principle

Vue is responsive using data hijacking in conjunction with the publisher-subscriber pattern. The setter and getter of each property is hijacked via Object.defineProperty. When the data changes, a message is published to the dependent collector Dep to notify the observer Watcher, which performs the callback function to update the view. The implementation of MVVM integrates Observer, CompiIe and Watcher. He hijacks model data by Observer, parsed and compiled template instructions by Compile and bound corresponding observers to data, and finally uses Watcher to build a communication bridge between Observer and CompiIe, so as to achieve data change → view update; View interaction changes → Bidirectional binding effect of model data changes.

Iii. Schematic diagram of Vue corresponding formula

Step 1: Passed in ObserverObject.definePropertyHijack the data and bind getters and setters.

The getter is used to return data and notify the Dep collection subscriber.

Setters are used to set new values and notify Dep of data changes

Step 2: Compile parses instructions (V-text, V-html, {{}}, etc.) and prepares the initialization page.

Step 3Before initializing the page, perform 3 to instantiate the Watcher and bind the data to the page itself to the corresponding Watcher (the Watcher has the callback to update the view).

Step 4Getter fires when the data is retrieved, and the getter returns the data to be used for rendering the page. The getter performs 4-1, telling THE Dep to collect the watcher that was bound to the data. The Dep then performs 4-2 to collect the Watcher.

Step 5The setter sets a new value for the data and executes 5 to tell Dep that the data has changed. Dep notifes Watcher that the data has changed, and Watcher performs a callback to update the page.

Data change response view: When data changes, a setter is triggered, the setter sets a new value for the data, and performs 5 to tell Dep that the data has changed. Dep notifizes Watcher that the data has changed, and Watcher performs a callback to update the page. According to the change, Wat (her will perform a callback to update the page. View changes in response to data: When the view changes, triggering events (such as the input event of the Input tag) change the data, which triggers the setter, which then performs step 5.

Iv. Vue responsive code simulation implementation (less than 300 lines)

1.Vue entry (line 25) instantiate Observer, Watcher and other functional modules, and proxy data, methods, computed, That is to implement [this.data] instead of [this.data. Data], [this.method] instead of [this.methods. Methods], etc.

Class MVue {constructor(options) {this.$el = options.el; this.$data = options.data; this.$options = options; If (this.$el) {// 1. Instantiate dataprik listener --Object.defineProperty new Observer(this.$data); New Compile(this.$el, this); // Implement this.person.name for data. The implementation of methods and computed agents is similar. this.proxyData(this.$data); }} // Delegate the data defined in data, which is equivalent to the vm power, can be directly used by this. Data. [this.data. data] proxyData(data) {for (const key in data) {// get set DefineProperty (this, key, {get() {return data[key]; }, set(newVal) { data[key] = newVal; }})}}}Copy the code

Object.defineproperty sets set and GET to the data. Get returns the data and informs the collector watcher. Set sets data and notifies Dep of data changes. Dep also implements watcher collector Dep. Dep mainly has two functions: collecting watcher and informing Watcher of data changes.

Class Dep {constructor() {this.subs = []} class Dep {constructor() {this.subs = []} this.subs.push(watcher); } // Notify the observer to update the view notify() {console.log(this) this.subs.foreach (w => w.update()); Constructor (data) {this. Observer (data); } // Observer (data) {if (data && typeof data === 'object') {object.keys (data).foreach ((key) => this.defineReactive(data, key, data[key]); DefineReactive (data, key, value) {this.observer(value); // Instantiate Dep to store watcher and notify watcher to update the view. const dep = new Dep(); Object. DefineProperty (Data, key, {enumerable:}) Object. DefineProperty (Data, key, {enumerable:}) True, // can be enumerated (using for... In or Object. Keys ()) 64x: Dep. Target && dep.addSub(dep.target); return value; }, set: (newValue) => {this.observer(newValue);}, set: (newValue) => {this.observer(newValue); if (newValue ! == value) { value = newValue; // Data change notification corresponds to watcher dep.notify(); }})}}Copy the code

Compile mainly implements the functions of instruction parsing, data binding watcher, and initialization page. These include compileUtil, the instruction parsing utility, updater, and Compile itself. The implemented parsing instructions are V-text, V-html, V-model, V-bind, V-ON, {{}}, :, @

// 具体指令解析操作
const compileUtil = {
    // node当前节点,expr指令值,vm实例
    text: function (node, expr, vm) { // v-text 解析
        // 插值表达式单独处理
        if (expr.indexOf('{{') !== -1 && expr.indexOf('}}') !== -1) {
            //  获取插值表达式对应的值{{person.name}}---{{person.age}}
            const value = expr.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, (...arg) => {
                new Watcher(vm, arg[1], () => {
                    // 插值表达式可能是复杂的,比如同时有多个,不能只处理一个就替换,所以需要单独处理
                    return updater.textUpdater(node, this.getInterpolation(expr, vm));
                return (this.getVal(arg[1], vm));
            // 渲染页面
            return updater.textUpdater(node, value);
        // 绑定watcher,订阅数据变化
        this.bindWatch(node, expr, vm, 'text');
    getInterpolation(expr, vm) {
        // 插值表达式添加watcher做单独处理
        return expr.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, (...arg) => {
            return (this.getVal(arg[1], vm));
    html: function (node, expr, vm) { // v-html 解析
        this.bindWatch(node, expr, vm, 'html');
    model: function (node, expr, vm) { // v-model 解析
        this.bindWatch(node, expr, vm, 'model');
        // 视图 → 数据 → 视图
        node.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
            this.setVal(expr, vm, e.target.value)
        }, false);
    bind: function (node, expr, vm, attrName) { // v-bind 和 : 解析
        // expr:指令值,  attrName:绑定的属性名
        this.bindWatch(node, expr, vm, 'bind', attrName);
    on: function (node, expr, vm, eventName) { // v-on 和 @ 解析
        // expr:方法名,  eventName:事件
        // 获取事件方法
        const fun = vm.$options.methods && vm.$options.methods[expr];
        // 小细节:vue的methods中的方法this默认指向vm实例,而这里fun将被node调用,所以this是指向node节点的。
        node.addEventListener(eventName, fun.bind(vm), false)
    bindWatch: function (node, expr, vm, directive, attrName) {
        // node:节点, expr:指令值(data), vm:实例, directive:指令种类, attrName:绑定属性值(v-bind和: 才有)
        // 指令触发的时候需要为其添加watcher的回调订阅
        const updaterFn = updater[directive + 'Updater'],
            value = this.getVal(expr, vm); // 获取对应的渲染函数,获取指令绑定数据
        // 触发渲染
        updaterFn && updaterFn(node, value, attrName);
        new Watcher(vm, expr, (newVal) => {
            updaterFn && updaterFn(node, newVal, attrName); // 数据更新,watcher回调,更新视图
    getVal: function (expr, vm) {
        // expr形式可能是msg也可能是person.name,所以需要遍历获取expr对应的vm实例data中的值
        return expr.split('.').reduce((data, current) => {
            return data[current];
        }, vm.$data)
    setVal: function (expr, vm, inputVal) {
        let base = vm.$data; // 所有数据取值都是从这里开始的
        expr = expr.split('.'); // 为了遍历方便将其分割成数组
        expr.forEach((value, index) => {
            // 形如:person.son.name这种嵌套对象,只有当到达最后一层时,才将新值赋值。
            if (index < expr.length - 1) {
                base = base[value]
            } else {
                base[value] = inputVal; // 更新新值
// 指令解析后更新页面
const updater = {
    // node当前节点,value当前值
    textUpdater: function (node, value) { // v-text 渲染
        // 当value不存在时  应该显示 '' 而不是undefined
        node.textContent = typeof value == 'undefined' ? '' : value;
    htmlUpdater: function (node, value) { // v-html 渲染
        node.innerHTML = typeof value == 'undefined' ? '' : value;
    modelUpdater: function (node, value) { // v-model 渲染
        node.value = typeof value == 'undefined' ? '' : value;
    bindUpdater: function (node, value, attrName) { // v-bind 渲染
        node.setAttribute(attrName, value);
// 指令解析器
class Compile {
    // 接收根节点对象el,和vm实例
    constructor(el, vm) {
        // 得到元素节点
        this.el = this.isElementNode(el) ? el : document.querySelector(el);
        // vm实例
        this.vm = vm;
        // 1.为了避免频繁操作dom,造成回流重绘等浪费性能问题,这里使用文档碎片存储dom
        const fragment = this.nodeFragment(this.el);
        // 2.对fragment进行模板编译,处理指令、插值表达式、事件等,有fragment就减少了dom操作
        // 3.将文档碎片插入到dom中
    // 对fragment进行模板编译
    compileInit(fragment) {
        // 获取文档碎片下的所有子节点
        const childNodes = fragment.childNodes;
        [...childNodes].forEach(child => {
            if (this.isElementNode(child)) {
                // 是元素节点
            } else if (this.isTextNode(child)) {
                // 是文本节点
            if (child.childNodes && child.childNodes.length) {
                // 元素嵌套的递归
    // 编译元素节点
    compileElement(node) {
        const nodeAttr = node.attributes;
        [...nodeAttr].forEach(attr => {
            // 解构属性值和名
            const {
            } = attr;
            if (this.isDirective(name)) {
                // 是否是指令    
                // directive 值为 text, html, model, on:click, bind:XXX 仅做这几种
                const [, directive] = name.split('-');
                const [dirName, eventName] = directive.split(':'); // ['text','']['html','']['model','']['on','click']……
                // 对应指令的解析事件,传递(当前节点,指令值,vm实例,事件)
                compileUtil[dirName](node, value, this.vm, eventName)
                // 删除标签上的 v-html v-text 之类的属性
                node.removeAttribute('v-' + directive);
            } else if (this.isAtSymbol(name)) { // 是否是@开头的指令
                const [, eventName] = name.split('@');
                // 执行v-on 解析
                compileUtil['on'](node, value, this.vm, eventName)
                // 删除标签上的 @开头的  属性
                node.removeAttribute('@' + eventName);
            } else if (this.isColonSymbol(name)) {
                const [, attrName] = name.split(':');
                // 执行v-bind 解析
                compileUtil['bind'](node, value, this.vm, attrName)
                // 删除标签上的 :开头的 属性
                node.removeAttribute(':' + attrName);
    // 编译文本节点
    compileText(node) {
        // 匹配所有 带有“{{}}”进行解析
        const content = node.textContent;
        if (/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/.test(content)) {
            // 调用解析
            compileUtil['text'](node, content, this.vm)
    // 判断是否是以“v-”开头的属性
    isDirective = (directive) => directive.startsWith('v-');
    // 判断是否以“@”开头
    isAtSymbol = (directive) => directive.startsWith('@');
    // 判断是否以“:”开
    isColonSymbol = (directive) => directive.startsWith(':');
    // 将dom文档碎片化
    nodeFragment(el) {
        // 创建文档碎片
        const f = document.createDocumentFragment();
        let firstChild;
        while (firstChild = el.firstChild) {
            // 每次使用appendChild()方法后el节点的firstChild会被移除
            // 这不是死循环!!!
        return f;
    // 判断是不是元素节点
    isElementNode = (node) => node.nodeType === 1;
    // 判断是不是文本节点
    isTextNode = (node) => node.nodeType === 3;
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4. Implementation of Watcher subscription data update view (line 20) The main function of Watcher is to fetch old data and update the view function.

Class constructor(vm, expr, callback) {this.vm = vm; // this. Expr = expr; // This. Callback = callback; OldVal = this.getoldval () // get the old value, use the getVal method getOldVal() in compileUtil {// The old value will be collected when the observer is created, At this point, the Watcher instance of this variable is hung on the Dep. Dep.target = this; // This is an instance of Watcher const oldVal = compileutil. getVal(this.expr, this.vm); delete Dep.target; Watcher return oldVal; Update () {// Dep tells Watcher to update the view after the data changes, so we get the new value here. const newVal = compileUtil.getVal(this.expr, this.vm); if (newVal ! == this.oldval) {// Update the view if the new value and the old value are different. this.callback(newVal); }}}Copy the code

Five, test use

< div id = 'app' > < h1 > interpolation expressions: {{person. Name}} - {{person. Age}} < / h1 > < div > interpolation expressions: {{MSG}} < / div > < p v - text = "MSG" > < / p > < ul > < li > text 1 < / li > < li > interpolation expressions: {{MSG}} < / li > < li > text 2 < / li > < / ul > < div v - HTML = "htmlMsg" > < / div > < input type = "text" v - model = "person. Age" > < input type = "text" < span style =" box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (51, 51, 51); {{person.name}} <button v-on:click="handle"> </button> </button> <div V-bind :title=" MSG "> V-bind bind title</div> <div :title=" MSG ">: bind title</div> {{MSG}} </div> <script src="./Watcher.js"></script> <script src="./Observer.js"></script> <script src="./Compile.js"></script> <script SRC ="./ mvue.js "></script> <script> let vm = new MVue({el: '#app', data: {person: {name: 'j3 ', age: 19}, htmlMsg: '< strong > < I > I am a v - HTML < / I > < / strong >', MSG: 'vue two-way binding,}, the methods: {handle: Function () {console.log(this) // this.person.name=' alert '(' click on the event to trigger! I will modify the data '); } } }) </script>Copy the code

See here if you don’t understand: vUE’s reactive, bidirectional binding

Here is a simulation of vUE’s responsive, bidirectional binding, just simulation, don’t really…

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