Why study this? In the previous development of the component library, we encountered many legacy problems, including data template rendering, component loading on demand, the introduction of custom component slots, etc., so in order to fix and avoid these problems, we learned a wave of writing methods that are closer to the compiler. Take a look at how to solve a wave of these problems in this fully programed way. Of course, here are just some basic uses and explorations, as there are too few examples on the official website. =
Vue recommends using templates to create your HTML in most cases. In some scenarios, however, you really need the full programming power of JavaScript, which is the Render function, which is closer to the compiler than template. (Copy from the official website, a lot of panic, in fact, is simple to write HTML in a function way, more controllable some ~)
Of course, the official website has already provided a template to write an inconvenient demo, so I won’t mention it again here, first time or interested in the big guy can directly click on the link to see ~Vue Render
This article mainly introduces the following points
Visitors who understand the basic concepts can directly drop down to the instance, which has been uploaded to Github
- Virtual DOM
- The CreateElement method function
- [Start] The most basic example
- [Advanced] contains instances where the properties are fully configured
- In CreateElement
Usage of attributes - In CreateElement
The use of the - JSX configuration and usage in Render
- [In depth] Functional components
Making portal
Virtual DOM
1.What is DOM?
A DOM is a tree of logical objects that the browser parses HTML.
2,What is the virtual DOM?
Object is used to represent a Node. This Node is called a Virtual Node (VNode), which consists of a Virtual DOM formed by a VNode tree.
3,Why the virtual DOM?
The nature of most operations and logic on a Web page is to constantly modify DOM elements, but DOM manipulation is too slow, and too frequent DOM manipulation can cause the entire page to drop frames, get stuck, or even become unresponsive. If you think about it, many DOM operations can be packaged (multiple operations into one) and combined (a continuous update operation only preserves the final result), and the JS engine is much faster. So why not do DOM operations through JS calculations first and then all at once? Hence the concept of the virtual DOM. Of course, the core of virtual DOM operation is the Diff algorithm, which is to compare the difference between vNodes before and after the change and calculate the smallest DOM operation to change DOM and improve performance.
4,How is the virtual DOM generated in Vue?
With ‘createElement(Tag, Options, VNodes)’, here’s the basic concept of this function.
The CreateElement method function
CreateElement is simply the function used to generate a Vnode
What exactly does CreateElement return? This is not an actual DOM element (it returns a Vnode). It might be more accurately called createNodeDescription, because it contains information that tells the Vue what nodes need to be rendered on the page, and its children.
The CreateElement function is also conventionally written as h
1.The parameters for CreateElement are shown below: (Too lazy to move directly to the official website)
// @returns {VNode}
// {String | Object | Function}
// An HTML tag string, a component option object, or an async function that parses any of the above, required arguments.
'div'.// {Object}
// A data object containing attributes related to the template
// In this way, you can use these attributes in the template. This parameter is optional.
// See below for details
// {String | Array}
// Child nodes (VNodes), built from 'createElement()', or using strings to generate 'text nodes'. This parameter is optional.
'Write some words first.',
createElement('h1'.'A headline'),
createElement(MyComponent, {
props: {
someProp: 'foobar'}})])Copy the code
In this document, it is stated that VNodes child nodes must be unique, that is, the Array of the third parameter cannot have the same pointing VNodes. After verification, even if the Array of the third parameter is repeated, no error will be reported. It is estimated that there will be some pits. Keep child nodes unique.
2. Vnode property configuration (second parameter) 
Too lazy is also directly move, cover face. JPG)
The following attributes are a brief introduction, and the specific usage and some explanations of _ remarks _ can be referred to the later [including complete examples of attribute configuration].
// Same API as' v-bind:class '
// Receives a string, object, or array of strings and objects
'class': {
foo: true.bar: false
// Same API as' v-bind:style '
// Receives a string, object, or array of objects
style: {
color: 'red'.fontSize: '14px'
// Normal HTML features
attrs: {
id: 'foo'
/ / component props
props: {
myProp: 'bar'
/ / DOM attributes
domProps: {
innerHTML: 'baz'
// Event listeners are based on 'on'
// Modifiers such as' V-on :keyup.enter 'are no longer supported
// You need to manually match keyCode.
on: {
click: this.clickHandler
// For components only, used to listen for native events, not for internal component use
// 'vm.$emit' triggers the event.
nativeOn: {
click: this.nativeClickHandler
// Custom instruction. Note that you cannot bind 'oldValue' in 'binding'
// Assign, because Vue has automatically synchronized for you.
directives: [
name: 'my-custom-directive'.value: '2'.expression: '1 + 1'.arg: 'foo'.modifiers: {
bar: true}}].// Scope slot format
// { name: props => VNode | Array<VNode> }
scopedSlots: {
default: props= > createElement('span', props.text)
// If the component is a child of another component, specify a name for the slot
slot: 'name-of-slot'.// Other special top-level attributes
key: 'myKey'.ref: 'myRef'
Copy the code
[Start] The most basic example
This is a basic Demo that contains
Simple rendering usage
The label
Click on the event
The following Demo uses a single file component and works with vue-CLI webpack-Simple project.
Component wii – first
<script> export default { name: 'wii-first', data() { return { msg: 0 } }, props: { level: { type: [Number, String], required: true } }, render: Function (createElement method) {this. $slots. The subtitle = this. $slots. The subtitle | | [] / / this. Level = 1, Equivalent to // <h1 class=" Wii-first "> // first component, <slot></slot> // <slot name="subtitle"></slot>, where is the value of data: {{MSG}} <button @click="clickHandler"> </button> </h1> return createElement('h' + this.level); // tag name Tag name {class: 'Wii-first'}, // this.$sloth. default, // The slot in the subcomponent is passed single // this.$sloth. subtitle, [' first component, '...this. $slots.subtitle, // name slots.subtitle ', this. MSG, createElement('button', {on: {click: This.clickhandler},}, 'I change the internal data value ')])}, methods: { clickHandler() { this.msg = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000) } } } </script>Copy the code
The third parameter to CreateElement specifies that all vNodes in the component tree must be unique, meaning that two vNodes in the third parameter that refer to the same VNode are invalid. But it turns out that it can actually be rendered. It’s not recommended to write this. You may fall into unexpected pits
Introducing way
<template> <div id="app"> < Wii-First level="1"> <span slot="subtitle"> </span></ Wii-First ></ div> </template> <script> import WiiFirst from './components/first/index.vue' export default { name: 'app', components: { WiiFirst }, data() { return { } } } </script>Copy the code
[Advanced] contains instances where the properties are fully configured
This Demo mainly shows the use of the createElement property, including
- Class, style, attrs, on, etc
- It contains click events and
Conversion examples of
Does not contain
- The implementation of the V-for V-If V-Model is described in great detail on the official website
Component wii – second
Export default {name: 'wii-second', data() {return {myProp: 'props ', props: {}, render: <div id="second" class="wii-second blue-color" style="color: green;" @click="clickHandler"> // I am the second component test that fires the @click.native event defined inside the component and externally. // <div>{{myProp}}</div> // < butt@click ="buttonClick"> </button> // </div> return createElement('div', Class: 'wii-second', class: {// 'wii-second': {// class: {// 'wii-second': true, // 'grey-color': true // }, class: [{ 'wii-second': True}, 'blue-color'], // the same API as' v-bind:style '// Accept a string, object or array of objects style: {color: 'green'}, // Attribute attrs: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id: {id:} 'second', title: 'test'}, // if the first parameter of the createElement definition is the component, the data defined here will be passed to the internal component props: {myProp: 'bar'}, // DOM attributes such as value, innerHTML, innerText, etc. are the DOM element as an object, and the content attached to it is equivalent to the DOM Property // domProps: {// innerHTML: 'baz' //}, // The event listener is based on 'on', which is used to listen for events within the component. On: {click: This. ClickHandler}, // for components only, same as @click.native, which is used to listen for native events within components, not for events raised within components using 'vm. // nativeOn: {// click: this.nativeclickHandler //}, // If the component is a child of another component, specify a name for the slot, see Wii-Third component // slot: 'testSlot ', // other special top-level attributes // key: 'myKey', // ref: 'myRef'}, [' I am the second component test, point I trigger the component internal click and externally defined @click.native events. `, createElement('div', `${this.myProp}`), createElement('button', { on: { click: This.buttonclick}}, 'emit')])}, methods: {clickHandler() {console.log(' I clicked on the second component, }, buttonClick(e) {e.topPropagation () // To prevent bubbling is equivalent to click.stop console.log(' I clicked the button of the second component, $emit('on-click-button', e)}}}Copy the code
Introducing way
<template> <div id="app"> <wii-second @click.native="nativeClick" @on-click-button="clickButton"></wii-second> </div> </template> <script> import WiiSecond from './components/second/index.vue' export default { name: 'app', components: { WiiSecond }, data() { return { } }, methods: {nativeClick() {console.log(' this is the click.native event outside the component, the second component was clicked ')}, clickButton() {console.log(' This is the emit event outside the component, The second component is clicked ')}}} </script>Copy the code
Event & key modifier
In the above example, e.topPropagation was used, which is equivalent to the Template click.stop method. Other events and keystrokes also have corresponding methods.
The prefix corresponding to the event modifier
Template event modifier | Render = render |
.passive | & |
.capture | ! |
.once | ~ |
. The capture. Once or. Once the capture | ~! |
For example,
on: {
'! click': this.doThisInCapturingMode,
'~keyup': this.doThisOnce,
'~! mouseover': this.doThisOnceInCapturingMode
Copy the code
Other event modifiers that use event methods in corresponding event handlers
Template event modifier | Corresponding event method |
.stop | event.stopPropagation() |
.prevent | event.preventDefault() |
.self | if (event.target ! == event.currentTarget) return |
Keys: .enter, .13 | if (event.keyCode ! == 13) return (For other keyboard event modifiers, just replace 13 with another keyboard code) |
Modifiers Keys: .ctrl, .alt, .shift, .meta | if (! CtrlKey) return (change ctrlKey to altKey, shiftKey, or metaKey respectively) |
For example,
on: {
keyup: function (event) {
// If the element that triggers the event is not an element of the event binding
/ / is returned
if(event.target ! == event.currentTarget)return
// If you press not Enter or
// Did not press shift at the same time
/ / is returned
if(! event.shiftKey || event.keyCode ! = =13) return
// Prevent events from bubbling
// Block the element's default keyup event
// ...}}Copy the code
In CreateElementslot
Usage of attributes
This Demo shows the use of the createElement configuration slot property in Render.
Since I was wondering when this slot property could be used, I tried it for reference only. The specific use scenario depends on the business logic
Component wii – third
<script> export default { name: 'wii-third', data() { return {} }, components: { WiiTestSlot: { name: 'the wii - test - slot, render (createElement method) {this. $slots. Testslot = this. $slots. Testslot | | [] / / is equivalent to / / < div > / / the third component, <slot name=" testSlot "></slot> // </div> return createElement('div', [' third component, Test defines slot in the component, ',...this.$slot.testSlot])}}, WiiTestSlotIn: {name: 'wii-test-slot-in', render(createElement) {// equivalent to // <span> <span> return createElement('span', // <div style="margin-top: 15px; > // <wii-test-slot> // <wii-test-slot-in slot="testslot"></wii-test-slot-in> // </wii-test-slot> // </div> return createElement( 'div', { style: { marginTop: '15px'}}, [createElement(' Wii-test-slot '), // createElement(// 'Wii-test-slot-in ', // {// slot: 'testSlot' //} //), [// createElement = array; CreateElement (' Wii-test-slot-in ', {slot: 'testSlot'})])])}, methods: {}} </script>Copy the code
【 Tips 】 : If the third parameter in createElement passes the VNode object generated by createElement, it will not be rendered to the node and will need to be placed in an Array.
Introducing way
<div id="app">
import WiiThird from './components/third/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {}
Copy the code
In CreateElementscopedSlots
The use of the
This Demo shows the use of scopedSlots, including definition and use. See vue-slot-scope for template usage and explanation of scopedSlots.
Component wii – forth
<script> export default { name: 'wii-forth', data() { return {} }, components: { WiiScoped: { name: 'wii-scoped', props: { message: String}, render(createElement) {// equivalent <div><slot :text="message"></slot></div> return createElement('div', [ this.$scopedSlots.default({ text: this.message }) ] ) } } }, render: <div style="margin-top: 15px; <wii-scoped message=" Test scopedSlots, <span slot-scope="props">{{props. Text}}</span> // </wii-scoped> // </div> return createElement('div', { style: { marginTop: '15px' } }, [ createElement('wii-scoped', { props: { message: 'Test scopedSlots, I'm passing the message'}, // pass scopedSlots, props(custom name) to scopedSlots: {default: function(props) { return createElement('span', props.text) } } }) ] ) } } </script>Copy the code
Introduce methods
<div id="app">
import WiiForth from './components/forth/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {}
Copy the code
JSX configuration and usage in Render
Write so many createElements that you can’t see them. Let’s try it for a change, JSX.
To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools.
- First we install vue to write the necessary JSX dependencies:
npm install babel-plugin-syntax-jsx babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props babel-preset-env --save-dev
Copy the code
After installation, configure “plugins”: [“transform-vue-jsx”] in the.babelrc file.
Change the js parsing part of the Webpack configuration file to test: /\.jsx? $/ indicates that the JSX code block is parsed.
This example does the following:
- Pass the color through props and configure it in the child component
- I’m gonna change the color
- Click events are retrieved via Native
Wii – JSX parent component
<script type="text/jsx">
import WiiJsxItem from './item.vue'
export default {
name: 'wii-jsx'.components: {
data() {
return {
color: 'red'}},props: {},render: function (h) {
return (
<div class="wii-jsx">
<wii-jsx-item color={this.color} nativeOnClick={this.clickHandler}>
<span>I am a slot for the WiI-JsX-item component, and color is passed in as a variable: {this.color}</span>
</div>) }, methods: { clickHandler() { this.color = this.color == 'red' ? 'Blue' : 'red' console.log(' Click wii-JsX-item, via native trigger, change color to [${this.color}] ')}}}</script>
Copy the code
Subcomponents wii – JSX – item
The child component is introduced in the parent component and rendered in JSX writing.
export default {
name: 'wii-jsx-item',
data() {
return{}},props: {
color: String
render: function(createElement) {
/ / equivalent to the < div class = "wii - JSX - item" > < slot > < / slot > < / div >
return createElement(
'div', {
class: 'wii-jsx-item'.style: {
color: this.color
methods: {}}Copy the code
Introducing way
<div id="app">
import WiiJsx from './components/jsx/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'app'.components: {
data() {
return{}}}Copy the code
The main conversion of JSX relies on the Babel plugin we installed earlier, and the usage of JSX events and attributes is described in the Babel plugin instructions, which contain the corresponding usage instructions of vUE events and attributes.
[In depth] Functional components
Next to the last module introduction, functional component, the use of this thing depends on opinion, here is no good scheme, just give some examples, you big guy if there are some specific use of the place, wide to point out wow ~ THX ~(shy.jpg).
The official documentation defines that everything a functional component needs is passed through context, including:
- Props: Objects that provide all prop
- Children: array of VNode children
- Slots: a function that returns the objects of all slots
- Data: The data object passed to the component as the second parameter to createElement
- Parent: reference to the parent component
- An object containing all event listeners registered on the parent component. This is just an alias to data.on.
- Injections: (2.3.0+) If the Inject option is used, then the object contains attributes that should be injected.
After adding _functional: true, the component’s render function adds a second argument, context (the first is createElement), through which data and nodes are passed.
In versions prior to 2.3.0, the props option was required if a functional component wanted to accept props. In versions 2.3.0 and above, you can omit the props option, and properties on all components are automatically resolved to props.
My personal understanding is:
Functional is just like a pure function. It does not store the data used for display in the interface. If the same data is passed in, the display must be the same. No instance, no state, no this context, all controlled by context.
Because a functional component is just a function, the rendering overhead is much lower.
Usage Scenarios:
- Components that are only used to receive parameters (do nothing to manage and listen for state)
- Currently most usage scenarios are used to wrap animation components because animation components do not require state management
- Programmatically select one of multiple components (official)
- Manipulate children, props, data before passing them to child components (official)
This is just an example. The usage scenarios are still being explored. Specific usage scenarios need to be selected in the development process according to the complex requirements and performance requirements
Functional component onewii-functional
Used in animation functional
This Demo is used to filter the list of data by entering characters in the input box and adding display and disappear animations.
The component body
<script> import Velocity from 'velocity-animate' export default {name: 'wii-functional', functional: Render: function(createElement, context) {// Function: function(createElement, context) {function: true let data = {props: {tag: function(props: {props: {function: function); 'ul', CSS: false}, on: {// Events before entering beforeEnter: Function (el) {el.style.opacity = 0 el.style.height = 0}, // enter the event enter: function(el, done) { let delay = el.dataset.index * 150 setTimeout(function() { Velocity(el, { opacity: 1, height: '1.6em'}, {complete: done})}, delay)}, function(el, done) { let delay = el.dataset.index * 150 setTimeout(function() { Velocity(el, { opacity: 0, height: 0 }, { complete: done }) }, delay) } } } return createElement('transition-group', data, context.children) } } </script>Copy the code
The above component is equivalent to creating a VUE animation with ul-Li tags that is wrapped around the component in functional fashion and can be used as a general-purpose animation.
Introducing way
<div id="app">
<input v-model="query"/>
<li v-for="(item, index) in computedList"
import WiiFunctional from './components/functional/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'app'.components: {
data() {
return {
/ / key
query: ' '.// Data list
list: [{
msg: 'Bruce Lee'
}, {
msg: 'Jackie Chan'
}, {
msg: 'Chuck Norris'
}, {
msg: 'Jet Li'
}, {
msg: 'Kung Furry'
}, {
msg: 'Chain Zhang'
}, {
msg: 'Iris Zhao'}}},],computed: {computedList: function() {
var vm = this
// Filter the query results that meet the conditions
return this.list.filter(function(item) {
returnitem.msg.toLowerCase().indexOf(vm.query.toLowerCase()) ! = =- 1})}},watch: {
computedList(newVal, oldVal) {
Copy the code
Functional component twowii-choose-comp
Functional for component switching
In this example, a different component is toggled by props and manipulated before the props is passed to the child component. The click.native event is defined inside the component to show the example. You can use this functional, similar to a factory, if you do the same thing with a batch of components.
Of course, if the component needs different click events or representations, it can also write logic or listen separately within each component, because the Wii-choo-comp shell is essentially a function
The component bodywii-choose-comp
<script> export default { name: 'wii-choose-comp', functional: true, props: {// componentName: String // componentName}, render: {// componentName: String // componentName: props} function(createElement, Context) {/ / add a class to component context. The data. The class = ponentName [context.props.com] / / before the props to the child components operate it context. The data. The props = { compName: Context.props.com ponentName} context. Data. NativeOn = {the click () {alert (' I am functional unity inside click event ')}} to return createElement(context.props.componentName, context.data, context.children) } } </script>Copy the code
Switching Component 1wii-comp-one
<script> export default { name: 'wii-comp-one', props: { compName: String }, render: Function (createElement) {return createElement('div', [' I am the first comp, I have click effect, ', 'my name is ${this.pname}, ', ...this.$slots.default ]) } } </script>Copy the code
Switching Component 2wii-comp-two
<script> export default { name: 'wii-comp-two', props: { compName: String }, render: Function (createElement) {return createElement('div', 'I'm the second comp, ',' ...this.$slots.default ]) } } </script>Copy the code
Introducing way
<div id="app">
<button @click="changeComponent">点击切换组件</button>
<wii-choose-comp :component-name="componentName">
import WiiChooseComp from './components/functional/chooseComp.vue'
import WiiCompOne from './components/functional/comp1.vue'
import WiiCompTwo from './components/functional/comp2.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {
componentName: 'wii-comp-one'
methods: {
changeComponent() {
this.componentName = this.componentName == 'wii-comp-one' ? 'wii-comp-two' : 'wii-comp-one'
Copy the code
All components to be switched need to be introduced into the outer layer. (Is there a better way not to build?)
This is a recent exploration of Vue Render. Because there are a lot of issues to consider for common component library development, there is a higher demand for flexibility. If you write component libraries in a more compiles way like Vue Render, the logic may be clearer. Although the way to write constantly creating elements is pretty gross hahaha ~~
Next is used to carry on the actual combat, in the actual combat when there is any pit then slowly fill up ~~