keep-alive + router meta
Add a keepAlive attribute to the meta of the router. Use the keepAlive package to pass through the router-view component and use the keepAlive attribute in the meta
// router The route is configured with the keepAlive attribute
path: "/".component: Layout,
redirect: "/home".children: [{path: "home".name: "Home".meta: {
keepAlive: true
component: () = > import("@/views/Home.vue")}, {path: "about".name: "About".component: () = > import("@/views/About.vue")}}]// Router-view
<router-view v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive" :key="key"></router-view> </keep-alive>
<router-view v-if=! "" $route.meta.keepAlive" :key="key"></router-view>
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keep-alive + component name
Use the keep-alive prop attribute include to set the components that need to be cached, exclude the components that do not need to be cached, and Max to set the maximum number of caches. If the maximum number of caches exceeds this value, the cached component instances that have not been accessed for the longest time will be destroyed. In this way, be sure to set the correct component name
The above two methods can implement the specified page, but the problem is that the page is cached regardless of the jump from the cached page to any other page. The cached page cannot be controlled to jump to the specified page before being cached. For example, you can switch from page A to page B and page C. Now we want to implement that page A is cached only when we jump to page B, and page C is not cached. To implement this dynamic caching, you can directly manipulate the cache properties of the Keepalive component instance using the following method.
Dynamically remove keepalive component cache: Reference keep alive – the default does not support dynamic destruction of cached components, so the solution is given by direct manipulation of the keep – alvie cahce list of components
beforeRouteLeave:function(to, from, Next){if (from && from.meta. Rank && to.meta. Rank && from.meta. Rank >to.meta. Rank){if (from && from.meta. Decide whether to destroy this layer cache. if (this.$vnode && this.$ { if (this.$vnode.parent && this.$vnode.parent.componentInstance && this.$vnode.parent.componentInstance.cache) { if (this.$vnode.componentOptions) { var key = this.$vnode.key == null ? this.$vnode.componentOptions.Ctor.cid + (this.$vnode.componentOptions.tag ? `::${this.$vnode.componentOptions.tag}` : '') : this.$vnode.key; var cache = this.$vnode.parent.componentInstance.cache; var keys = this.$vnode.parent.componentInstance.keys; if (cache[key]) { if (keys.length) { var index = keys.indexOf(key); if (index > -1) { keys.splice(index, 1); } } delete cache[key]; } } } } this.$destroy(); } next(); },Copy the code
Vuex or localStorage stores status data
In beforeRouterLeave, save page status data before route redirects. In Mounted, set page status data. Notice beforeRouterLeave takes effect only in the component that has been configured with a route. You need to use $refs in the parent component to access the child component’s data and method routing parameters to store data
- Use watch to monitor the changes of page state data.
To set the route parameters, the query object must be copied and then called$router.push
Method, the browser address bar parameters will change- When the page returns, the
Read save route parameters and assign values
detailLessonRadioBtn: { handler(val) { let query = Object.create(this.$route.query); = this.formModel.tabModel; query.subtab = this.detailLessonRadioBtn; this.$router.push({ path: this.$route.path, query }); } } }, created() { if (this.$ { this.formModel.tabModel = this.$; if (this.$route.query.subtab) { this.detailLessonRadioBtn = this.$route.query.subtab; }}}Copy the code
localStorage vs sessionStorage
- The stored data is shared across the browser’s different TAB and window pages, as long as there is the same Origin
- There is no expiration date, even if the browser is closed and the computer is shut down, the data will not be erased
- The saved data is valid only for the current TAB page and cannot be accessed by other tabs, even if the origin is the same. Different TAB pages have different sessionStorage
- When the page is closed, the data is erased. Data is not cleared when the page is refreshed
- Data can be shared between different IFrames on the same TAB page
Summary: sessionStorage and localStorage properties and methods are the same, sessionStorage in function compared to localStorage is subject to more restrictions