This is the fourth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

Personal technical blog, wechat official account, video account and design portfolio of the blogger

1. Get the built-in browser id

WeChat: export function isWeixin () {var ua = window. The navigator. UserAgent. ToLowerCase (); if(ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == 'micromessenger'){ return true; } return false; }Copy the code
Pay treasure:export function isAlipay() {
    var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    if(ua.match(/Alipay/i) = ="alipay") {return true;
    return false;
Copy the code

2. Methods (data processing)

The couponOrder interface returns (the interface returns the required payment parameter information before calling the payment)

Wechat Pay (two methods) :

1. JSAPI Payment: There is a tutorial in the menu bar of wechat Pay. There is a small menu that uses the JS API to initiate payment requests


  • The WeixinJSBridge built-in object is not valid in other browsers.
  • GetBrandWCPayRequest parameter and return value definition
    'getBrandWCPayRequest', {
        'appId': response.appId,   // Public id
        'timeStamp': response.timeStamp,  // The current timestamp
        'nonceStr': response.nonceStr, // Pay the signature random string
        'package': response.package,  // Order details extension string, prepay_id=****
        'signType': response.signType,  // The default signature type is MD5
        'paySign': response.paySign  // Pay the signature
    (res2) = >{
        if (res2.err_msg === 'get_brand_wcpay_request:ok') {
            this.toSuccess(code, payMoney, payTool);                     
        } else if (res2.err_msg === 'get_brand_wcpay_request:fail') {
            MessageBox('Error message'."Payment failure");
        }else if (res2.err_msg === 'get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel') {
            MessageBox('Error message'."Payment failure"); }});Copy the code


2. Wechat JS-SDK description document initiates the request API of wechat Pay

Wx.choosewxpay () is called after signing

    timestamp: 0.// Pay the signature time stamp,
    nonceStr: ' '.// The payment signature is a random string, no longer than 32 bits
    package: ' '.// Order details extension string
    signType: ' '.// Signature mode, default is 'SHA1', to use the new version, pass 'MD5'
    paySign: ' '.// Pay the signature
    success: function (res) {
        // The callback function for successful payment}});Copy the code

Alipay pays alipayJsbridge-call"tradePay", {
    orderStr: response.ali  
}, (result) = >{
    let resultCode = result.resultCode;
    // alert(JSON.stringify(result))
    if(resultCode == "9000") {
           this.toSuccess(code, payMoney, payTool);        
     }else if(resultCode == "4000"){ 
            MessageBox('Error message'."Payment failure");
     }else if(resultCode == "6001"){
       MessageBox('Error message'."Cancellation of payment"); }})Copy the code
