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Summary of the usual use of Vue plug-in second article, also hope you can improve their development efficiency. We also from the UI component, development framework, utility library, server, auxiliary tools, application instances, Demo examples, these seven aspects to sum up.

If you forget the first passage or haven’t read the first passage, you can take a look.

  1. Vue plugins that increase productivity by 100%

The service side

  • Nuxt.js – minimization framework for server rendering of Vue apps
  • Express-vue – Simply render vue. Js on the server side
  • Vue-ssr – very simple VueJS server-side rendering template
  • Vue-ssr – With Express using Vue2 server rendering
  • Vue-easy-renderer-nodejs server render

Auxiliary tool

  • Dejavue-vuejs visualization and stress testing
  • Vue-play – Shows the minimization framework for VUE components
  • Vscode -VueHelper – the best vue code hint plugin for vscode
  • Vue-generate-component – CLI tool for easily generating Vue JS components
  • Vue-multipage – CLI – Simple multi-page CLI
  • VuejsStarterKit – vuejs starter kit

Examples of application

  • Koel – Web-based personal audio streaming service
  • Pagekit – lightweight CMS site building system
  • Vuedo – Blogging platform
  • Jackblog -vue – Personal blog system
  • Vue-cnode – Rewrite vUE version of cnode community
  • Cms-of-blog -Blog content manager
  • Rss-reader – Simple RSS reader
  • Vue-ghpages -blog – Relies on GitHub Pages for static blogs that do not need to be locally generated
  • Swoole-vue-webim – Web version of the chat app
  • Vue-dowsy – js-nuvo -dashing-js fork
  • Fewords – Extremely simple notebook
  • Vue-blog – Vue-blog using Vue2.0 and Vuex

The Demo sample

  • Vue-cnodejs – Webapp based on Vue rewriting
  • NeteaseCloudWebApp – A webapp modeled after netease Cloud Music
  • Vue-zhihu – Daily – Zhihu Daily with Vuejs
  • Vue-weike-vue. js to develop wechat APP interface
  • Vue2 – Demo – Build vue2 + VUUE – Router + VUex development environment from zero
  • Eleme – High imitation ele. me app merchant details
  • Vue-demo – Vue simple message board
  • Maizuo – Vue /vuex/redux
  • Spa-starter-kit – Single page application starter kit
  • Vue-music – Vue music search plays
  • Douban – Mimics the front end of douban
  • Vue-meizi-vue latest combat project
  • Zhihudaily -vue – zhihudaily web edition
  • Vue-demo-kugu-vuejs parodies cool dog music WebApp
  • Vuedemo_sell_eleme-vue2 is a highly mimicked ele. me food delivery platform
  • Vue2.0 – TaopiaOpiao – Vue2.0 builds taopiaao page with Express
  • Vue-leancloud – Blog – a single page application with completely separate front and back ends
  • Node-vue-server-webpack-node. js+ vue.js + Webpack rapid development framework
  • Mi-by-vue-vuejs is a copy of Xiaomi’s official website
  • Vue-fis3 – Popular open source tool integration Demo
  • Vue2. X-douban-vue2 realize simple Douban movie webApp
  • Vue-demo-maizuo – Use the Vue2 bucket to copy a hit movie
  • Vue-zhihudaily -zhihudaily Web version
  • Vue-adminlte-vue-router-vue and adminLte integration application
  • Vue-axios-github – Login blocking logout function
  • Zhihu-Daily- vue.js-vuejs single page web application
  • Hello-vue-django – Uses a sample project with Django vuejs
  • Vue-cnode – Vue single-page application Demo
  • X-blog – Open source personal blog project
  • Vue-express-mongodb – Simple front and back end separation case
  • Websocket_chat – VUE and Websocket based multiplayer online chat room
  • PhotoShare – Social platform based on image sharing
  • Vue-zhihudaily-2.0 – Zhihudaily created using Vue2.0+ vue-Router +vuex
  • Notepad – Notepad stored locally
  • VueBlog – Front and back end split blog
  • Rubychina platform built by vue-Ruby-China-Vuejs framework
  • Zhihu_Daily – Web single-page application based on Vue and Nodejs
  • Vue-koa-demo – Full stack demo using Vue2 and Koa1
  • Vue 2.x-Cnode -Cnode community based on vue buckets
  • Life-app-vue – Use VUe2 to complete multi-function collection into small WebApp
  • Github – Explorer – Find the most interesting Github libraries
  • Vue-trip-vue2 do travel webApp
  • Vue-ssr – BoilerPlate – Simplified version of OFvue-HackerNews-2
  • Vue-bushishiren – Not poets app
  • Houtai – Background management system based on Vue and Element
  • Ios7 -vuue – Simulate ios7 using vue2.0 vue-router vuex
  • Framework7-VueJS – Examples of using mobile frames
  • Cnode-vue – A CnodeJS web site SPA constructed based on VUE and vue-Router
  • Vue-cli-multipage -bootstrap – Integrate vUE official online examples into components
  • Vue -cnode -cnode official website with VUE
  • HyaReader – Mobile friendly reader
  • Zhihu – Daily – Easy to view zhihu Daily content
  • SeeMusic – Cross-platform cloud music player
  • Vue-cnode – Uses the interface provided by the Cnode community
  • Zhihu – Daily – Vue – Zhihu Daily
  • Sls-vex2 – Demo – Vex2 shopping cart Demo
  • Vue-dropload – Tests pull-down loading and simple routing
  • Vue-cnode-mobile – Sets up a Cnode community
  • Vuejs-saleplatform – Demo platform built by Vuejs
  • V-notes – Simple and beautiful notepad
  • A simple startup page for the VUE-starter-Vuejs project
  • Vue-memo – A notepad application written in VUE