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After the front end uses SPA, it can gain more control, such as page switching animation, we may not be able to do the above effect with the back end page, or there will be obvious flash screen. Because all resources need to be reloaded.

Today we use vue, Vue-Router, animejs to explain how the above effect is achieved.


  1. Click the menu, Bubble is generated, and the entry animation begins
  2. Page jump
  3. Perform an exit animation

Call components functionally

I want the effect to be called from an object, not v-show, V-if, etc., and still use Vue to write components for consistency. I usually implement it with a new Vue root node, making the effect independent of the business component.

let instance = null

function createServices (Comp) {
  // ...
  return new Vue({
    // ...

function getInstance () {
  instance = instance || createServices(BubbleTransitionComponent)
  return instance

const BubbleTransition = {
  scaleIn: () => {
    return getInstance().animate('scaleIn')
  fadeOut: () => {
    return getInstance().animate('fadeOut')
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Then realize BubbleTransitionComponent, then BubbleTransition scaleIn, BubbleTransition. ScaleOut can work normally. Animejs is a lightweight and powerful animation library that doesn’t cost much to use.

Anime ({}).finished is used here to retrieve the Promise object, which gets the callback at the end of animation execution.

  <div class="transition-bubble">
    <span v-show="animating" class="bubble" id="bubble">

import anime from 'animejs'
export default {
  name: 'transition-bubble',
  data () {
    return {
      animating: false,
      animeObjs: []
  methods: {
    scaleIn (selector = '#bubble', {duration = 800, easing = 'linear'} = {}) {
      // this.animeObjs.push(anime().finished)
    fadeOut (selector = '#bubble', {duration = 300, easing = 'linear'} = {}) {
      // ...
    resetAnimeObjs () {
      this.animeObjs = []
    animate (action, thenReset) {
      return this[action]().then(() => {
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The initial idea was to add a tag to a specific route meta in the router config and animate the tag beforeEach. However, this method is not flexible enough. Instead, use Hash to mark and reset Hash when switching with vue-router.

<router-link class="router-link" to="/#__bubble__transition__">Home</router-link>
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const BUBBLE_TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER = '__bubble__transition__'

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.hash.indexOf(BUBBLE_TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER) > 0) {
    const redirectTo = Object.assign({}, to)
    redirectTo.hash = ''
      .then(() => next(redirectTo))
  } else {

router.afterEach((to, from) => {
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Cool animation can catch the eye of the user in a moment, I myself also often sent when browsing some websites, wocao, so cool!! Sigh. The final implementation may not use a few lines of code, their own hands to achieve it, the next designer put forward unreasonable animation requirements can be installed force, this effect I can make minutes, but I think here should not use ** animation, does not meet the psychological expectations of users ah.

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If reproduced, please indicate the source: / 2018/04/07/vue-page-bubble-transition/

My name is Zhou Xiaokai

I am a front-end development engineer now, and I am still a rookie in the way of programming. W3ctrain is the place where I record my learning and growth.