Source to find the answer in compiler/codegen/index, js (vue2.5 version) do a test as follows

<p v-for="item in items" v-if="condition">
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<! DOCTYPE html><html> 
    <title>Vue event processing</title> 
    <div id="demo"> 
        <h1>Who has a higher priority, V-for or V-if? How should it be used correctly to avoid performance problems?</h1> 
        <! -- <p v-for="child in children" v-if="isFolder">{{child.title}}</p> --> 
        <template v-if="isFolder"> 
            <p v-for="child in children">{{child.title}}</p> 
    <script src=".. /.. /dist/vue.js"></script> 
        // Create an instance
        const app = new Vue({ 
            el: '#demo'.data() { 
                return { 
                    children: [{title:'foo'}, 
                        {title:'bar'}}},],computed: { 
                isFolder() { 
                    return this.children && this.children.length > 0}}});console.log(app.$options.render); 
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At the same level, the rendering function looks like this:

(function anonymous( 
) { 
with(this){return _c('div', {attrs: {"id":"demo"}},[_c('h1',[_v("Who has a higher priority, V-for or V-if? How should it be used correctly to avoid performance problems?")]),_v(""), 
_l((children),function(child){return(isFolder)? _c('p', 
[_v(_s(child.title))]):_e()})],2)}})// Contains the isFolder conditional judgment
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When the two are of different levels, the rendering function is as follows

(function anonymous( 
) { 
with(this){return _c('div', {attrs: {"id":"demo"}},[_c('h1',[_v("Who has a higher priority, V-for or V-if? How should it be used correctly to avoid performance problems?")]),_v(""), (isFolder)? _l((children),function(child){return _c('p', 
[_v(_s(child.title))])}):_e()],2)}})// execute _l
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The source code is as follows


  1. Obviously v-for is resolved before V-if (tell the interviewer how you know that)
  2. If it happens at the same time, each render will execute a loop before judging the condition, so the loop is inevitable anyway, wasting performance
  3. To avoid this, nest the template in the outer layer, do a V-if judgment in this layer, and then do a V-for loop inside
  4. If conditions occur inside the loop, items that do not need to be displayed can be filtered out ahead of time by evaluating attributes

Note: The opposite is true in VUE3