OAuth (License)

Three-party login is mainly based on OAuth 2.0. OAuth protocol provides a safe, open and simple standard for user resource authorization. Different from previous authorization methods, OAUTH authorization does not allow the third party to touch the user’s account information (such as user name and password), that is, the third party does not need to use the user’s user name and password to apply for the authorization of the user resources, so OAUTH is safe.

The practical application

This section describes how to log in to Github as a third party when vUE is used in the front-end and KOA is used in the back-end

Making configuration

First go to Github -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Github Apps -> OAuth Apps -> Click New OAuth App, enter the following interface


Vue under the code

                method: 'get'.url: '/test/github/login'.params: {
                    path: 'http://localhost:8080'+this.$route.fullPath
            }).then((res) = >{
                window.location.href=res.data; })}Copy the code

The front end requests the back end with the current address (easy to jump back to later). The background returns the authentication address and parameters, using window.location.href to jump.

Implementation under KOA

const config={
    client_id:'xxxx'.// Github generated ID and password
let redirectPath='http://localhost:8080/'
router.get('/github/login'.async (ctx)=>{
    if(ctx.query.path) redirectPath=ctx.query.path
    var dataStr=(new Date()).valueOf();
    // Redirect to the authentication interface and set parameters
    var path="https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize";
    path+='? client_id='+config.client_id;
    // Return the address and parameters to the front end
// Github callback after authentication
router.get('/github/callback'.async (ctx)=>{
    console.log('callback... ')
    const code=ctx.query.code;    // Return the authorization code
    const params={
        client_secret: config.client_secret,
    // With this authorization code, request a token from GitHub
    let res=await axios.post('https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token', params)
    const access_token=querystring.parse(res.data).access_token
    // Get user information by token
    res=await axios.get('https://api.github.com/user?access_token=' + access_token)
    // console.log('userAccess:', res.data)
     // ctx.body = res.data
    ctx.cookies.set('user',res.data.login)  // User name
    ctx.cookies.set('icon',res.data.avatar_url)  // User image
    ctx.redirect(redirectPath)  // Redirect to the request page
Copy the code

The back-end end obtains user information through a series of requests and returns it to the front-end interface in the form of cookies (or parameters). At this point, the front-end end completes a third-party login on Github.