After writing react JSX, go back to vue JSX to avoid confusion.

Class and style

I have an object in curly braces, so it’s pretty straightforward

render () {
  return (
      class={{ foo: true, bar: false }}
      style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: '14px'}}} / >)Copy the code


The innerHTML href title, etc., the tag properties of the BOM environment need to be prefixed with domProps, right? It seems that the tag is ok without adding it.

render () {
  return (
      title="I am the title"/ >)}Copy the code

The event

  • Native event, corresponding to template syntax@click.native
  • Custom events (pass'emit'Trigger)
  • Event reference, callback
// Parent.vue
export default {
    render () {
      return (
        </div>)},methods: {
        nativeClickHandler () {
          console.log('nativeClickHandler') // Native events}}}Copy the code
// Child.vue
export default {
  props: {
    onCustomEvent: {}
  render() {
    return (
      >autistic</div>)},methods: {
    onClick (e) {
      this.$emit('click'.'emit onClick') // Custom events
      this.onCustomEvent('i am a listener created by my parent') // Callback event}}},Copy the code

Slot Slot and slotScope

Slot slots need to be obtained and rendered using the $slots function of vNode. We found that the slot slots could not be rendered using the Component < Title />. (PS: If there is a better way, please leave a message.)

  • Slot slot
// Parent.vue
render () {
  const Title = <h1 slot="title"> I'm title_slot < / h1 >return<Child titleSlot={Title} > // <Title /> // this cannot render!! <h1> I am default_slot</h1> </Child>)} // child.vuerender () {
  return (
      { this.$attrs.titleSlot }
      { this.$slots.default }
Copy the code
  • slotScope

Pass the scopeSlot rendering function to the child component to call

// Parent.vue
export default {
  data () {
    list: [{text: 'hello' },
      { text: 'world' },
      { text: '! ' },
  render() {
    return (
 => (
              data={ item }
                scopedSlots: {
                  default: ({ data}) = > {
                    return (
                      <div>{data}</div>)}}}} />))}</div>)}},Copy the code
// Child.vue
export default {
  props: {
    data: {}
  render() {
    return (
      </div>)}},Copy the code

Custom instruction

  • v-show
    Direct support!!
  • v-if
    Use the if-else ternary operator instead
    render () {
      if (b) {
        return <A />
      } else {
        return <B />
      // return b ? <A /> : <B />
    Copy the code
  • v-model
    Go back to the way event bindings update values, or use this if you don’t want toThe official plug-in
  • v-modifier
    Just throw in an official documentBecause I didn’t make up for it.


Propagating a bunch of properties in the intermediate component that are not declared as props to the lower component, but the intermediate component still needs to be manually bound

// Root.vue
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      rootValue: 'root'}},methods: {
    changeRootValue (val) {
      this.rootValue = val
Copy the code
// Parent.vue
// There is no declaration of props
render () {
  return (
      {.{ attrs: this.$attrs }}
      {.{ on: this.$listeners}} / >)}Copy the code
// Child.vue
export default {
  render () {
    return (
        onClick={ this.onClick }
        { this.$attrs.titleSlot }
        { this.$slots.default }
      </div>)},methods: {
    onClick () {
      this.$listeners['change-root-value'] ('child')}}}Copy the code


  • key
  • ref
  • RefInFor (used when using list rendering)

Contrast rendering functions with JSX syntax, individual attributes with extended operators

When you look at the createElement and JSX syntax in the Render function a few times, you can see that there is a connection between the two. Can only understand, not words, feel together.

// createElement render function syntax
render (h) {
  return h('div', {
    attrs: {
      id: 'foo'
    domProps: {
      innerHTML: 'bar'
    on: {
      click: this.clickHandler
    nativeOn: {
      click: this.nativeClickHandler
Copy the code
/ / JSX syntax
render () {
  // Is the following b the same as the second argument to createElement?
  const b = {
    attrs: this.$attrs,
    domProps: {
      innerHTML: 'innerHTML'
    on: {
      click: this.clickHandler
    nativeOn: {
      click: this.nativeClickHandler

  return (
      / / {... {... B}} // This line is equivalent to the following lines
Copy the code

The resources

  • The official documentation
  • Vue JSX practice