
Vue. Js + egg.js +Mongodb front and back separate personal blog.

Blog address: ANT

Main Technology Stack

  • Front-end: vue.js, vuE-Router, vuex AntVueBlogFront
  • Back-end: egg. js, Mongodb AntEggBlogService
  • Background management: vue.js, vue-Router, vuex AntVueBlogAdmin

The blog features

The front desk page

  • List of documents
  • classification
  • The label
  • comments

Background management

  • Publish the article and save it as draft
  • The article management
  • Label management
  • Classification management
  • Login authentication


Runtime environment

  • node.js
  • mongoDB

Clone remote library

git clone [email protected]:antbaobao/AntVueBlogFront.git
Copy the code

Install dependencies

cd AntVueBlogFront
npm i
Copy the code


npm run dev
Copy the code

Results show

The front page

Home page


The archive

The label

The article details


The mobile terminal


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  • Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  • A lot of details need to be optimized, and I will continue to polish them when I have time.