Introduction of Baidu Map

Introduce Baidu Map in main.js

import BaiduMap from 'vue-baidu-map'
Vue.use(BaiduMap, {
  / / ak is key in baidu map developer platform applications See * /
  ak: ' '

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Add bM-map to the page

<baidu-map class="baidumap" :center="{lng: 116.404, lat: 39.915}" :zoom="6"  :scroll-wheel-zoom="true"  @ready="handler" > 
              v-for="(item, index) in markers"
              :icon=" { url: require('@/assets/icon-zaixian.png'), size: { width: 50, height: 50 }, }"

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Handler adds personalized map styles

    handler({BMap, map}) {
       map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl());
        // Add a map type control
       map.addControl(new BMap.MapTypeControl());
          styleId: 'the style id'})}Copy the code

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