This is the fifth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

I am an amateur front-end development, because the company (very pit) think I am very cow force, so let me before and after the end together to play, helpless I can only stumble on the study of VUE.

When developing projects, it is common to use the file upload function, including single file upload and multi-file upload, upload various types of files. In VUE to achieve multiple file upload function, or very convenient.

In this article, let’s learn how to package the multi-file upload function into a component that can be used in two or three lines of code.

1. Front-end code

First let’s look at the front end, how to encapsulate it as a component. When we call it, we may need to pass some parameters to it from the outside, so we need to define some parameters to pass. These are the parameters that we can put in props

export default {
  props: {
    / / value
    value: [String.Object.Array].// Size limit (MB)
    fileSize: {
      type: Number.default: 2,},// File type, for example [' PNG ', 'JPG ',' JPEG ']
    fileType: {
      type: Array.default: () = > [".jpg".".jpeg".".png".".doc".".xls".".xlsx".".ppt".".txt".".pdf"],},// Whether to display the prompt
    isShowTip: {
      type: Boolean.default: true
    Id / / documents
    billId: {
      type: Number.require: true
    // Document type
    billType: {
      type: Number.required: true}}}Copy the code

The above defines some file sizes, file types, etc., which are default values if not passed in. The document type and document ID must be passed in, which can be defined according to the actual development needs.

For the file upload component, we can use the Element’s El-Upload. When the page is introduced, we usually wake up a file upload popup after clicking on it, which can be surrounded by the el-Dialog tag. The complete code is as follows

  <el-dialog title="Attachment upload" :visible.sync="visible" width="800px" :close-on-click-modal="false" @close="cancel">
    <div class="upload-file">
        <! -- Upload button -->
        <el-button slot="trigger" size="mini" type="primary">Select the file</el-button>
        <el-button style="margin-left: 10px;" :disabled="fileList.length < 1" size="small" type="success" @click="submitUpload">Uploading to the server</el-button>
        <! -- Upload hints -->
        <div class="el-upload__tip" slot="tip" v-if="showTip">Please upload<template v-if="fileSize">Not larger than<b style="color: #f56c6c">{{ fileSize }}MB</b> </template>
          <template v-if="fileType">Format for<b style="color: #f56c6c">{{ fileType.join("/") }}</b> </template>The file</div>

      <! -- File list -->
      <transition-group class="upload-file-list el-upload-list el-upload-list--text" name="el-fade-in-linear" tag="ul">
        <li :key="file.uid" class="el-upload-list__item ele-upload-list__item-content" v-for="(file, index) in list">
          <el-link :href="file.url" :underline="false" target="_blank">
            <span class="el-icon-document"> {{ getFileName( }} </span>
          <div class="ele-upload-list__item-content-action">
            <el-link :underline="false" @click="handleDelete(index)" type="danger">delete</el-link>
Copy the code

We need to define some of the variables we used above in data

data() {
    return {
      // Selected file list
      fileList: [].// Whether to display the file upload popover
      visible: false.// The types of files that can be uploaded
      accept: ' '.action: 'action'
Copy the code

The Accept field needs to be obtained after the page is created by concatenating the incoming or default fileType field

created() {
    this.fileList = this.list
    / / stitching
    this.fileType.forEach(el= > {
      this.accept += el
      this.accept += ', '
    this.fileType.slice(0.this.fileList.length - 2)},Copy the code

The following is the method of file upload. Here we use the method of manually uploading the selected file. Please see the code below

        :action="action"  // Manually upload. This parameter is useless, but since it is mandatory, you can fill in any value
        :before-upload="handleBeforeUpload"  // The operation performed before the file is uploaded
        :file-list="fileList"   // Selected file list
        :limit="3"   // Upload a maximum of several files at a time
        multiple   // Multiple options are available
        :accept="accept"   // Types of files that can be uploaded
        :on-error="handleUploadError"   // on the error call
        :on-exceed="handleExceed"   // Called when the number of files exceeds the limit
        :on-success="handleUploadSuccess"   // Called when the upload was successful
        :on-change="handChange"   // called when the file has changed
        :http-request="httpRequest"   // The custom file upload method will be called when we manually click the upload button
        :show-file-list="true"   // Whether to display the file list
        :auto-upload="false"   // Turn off automatic upload
        ref="upload"> <! -- Upload button --><el-button slot="trigger" size="mini" type="primary">Select the file</el-button>
<el-button style="margin-left: 10px;" :disabled="fileList.length < 1" size="small" type="success" @click="submitUpload">Uploading to the server</el-button>
Copy the code

Clicking Upload to the server triggers the submitUpload to call our custom method.

Note that the select file button needs to have a slot=”trigger” property, otherwise clicking the Upload to server button will also trigger the select file box.

Now let’s look at the related methods

methods: {
	// Call this method externally to display the file upload popover
    show() {
      this.visible = true
    // Check the format and size before uploading
    handleBeforeUpload(file) {
      // Check the file type
      if (this.fileType) {
        let fileExtension = "";
        if (".") > -1) {
          fileExtension ="."));
        const isTypeOk = this.fileType.some((type) = > {
          if (file.type.indexOf(type) > -1) return true;
          if (fileExtension && fileExtension.indexOf(type) > -1) return true;
          return false;
        if(! isTypeOk) {this.$message.error(The file format is incorrect. Please upload itThe ${this.fileType.join("/")}Format files! `);
          return false; }}// Check the file size
      if (this.fileSize) {
        const isLt = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < this.fileSize;
        if(! isLt) {this.$message.error(The size of the uploaded file cannot exceedThe ${this.fileSize}MB! `);
          return false; }}return true;
    // The number of files exceeded
    handleExceed() {
      this.$message.error(Only 3 files can be uploaded);
    // Failed to upload
    handleUploadError(err) {
      this.$message.error("Upload failed, please try again");
    // Upload successful callback
    handleUploadSuccess(res, file) {
      this.$message.success("Upload successful");
    /** Call */ when the file state changes
    handChange(file, fileList) {
      this.fileList = fileList
    // Delete the file
    handleDelete(index) {
      this.fileList.splice(index, 1);
    // Get the name of the file
    getFileName(name) {
      if (name.lastIndexOf("/") > -1) {
        return name.slice(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).toLowerCase();
      } else {
        return ""; }},/** Manually submit upload */
    submitUpload() {
      if (this.fileList.length <= 0) {
        return false
    /** Close the upload popup */
    cancel() {
      this.fileList = []
      this.visible = false
    /** Call interface upload */
    httpRequest(param) {
      const formData = new FormData()
      formData.append('file', param.file)
      uploadFormFile(formData).then(res= > {
        if(res.code === 200) {// When uploading a custom file, you need to execute the callback function successfully
          this.msgSuccess("Upload successful")
          // Callback method. After the file is successfully uploaded, the method specified by 'input' will be called, defined in the caller
      }).catch((err) = >{})}}Copy the code

All the other methods are fine, but let’s look at this httpRequest method. If you call it directly using the URL, you’ll have cross-domain problems. You’ll need to put the token in the header of the request. Here, I call through the encapsulated API interface, and have done the global token authentication, so I only need to take the relevant parameters.

Use formData with the required parameters. $emit(“input”, emit emit(“input”,

This encapsulates a file upload component, so let’s see how to use it.

2. Use components

On the page you use, you first need to introduce components

import FileUpload from '@/components/FileUpload'
Copy the code

Then call it from within the page

<file-upload ref="fileUploadDialog" :billId="this.form.noticeId" :billType="10" @input="getAttachList"></file-upload>
Copy the code

BillId and billType are the parameters we pass in dynamically, the rest of the parameters are default values, and the getAttachList method is executed after the file has been uploaded successfully.

We need a button to wake up the file upload box

       :disabled="notEdit"< > upload/el - button >Copy the code

Define the hangAdd method and directly call the show method defined in the component

handleAdd() {
Copy the code

Then define the method to obtain the list of uploaded files.

 getAttachList() {
   this.loading = true
   this.attachQuery.billId = this.form.noticeId
   this.attachQuery.billType = 10
   listAttachment(this.attachQuery).then(response= > {
     this.attachList = response.rows
     this.attachList.forEach(el= > {
       // Convert to KB and take 2 decimal places
       el.fileSize = parseFloat(el.fileSize / 1024).toFixed(2)})this.attachTotal =
     this.loading = false
   }).catch(() = >{})},Copy the code

At this point, the front-end code is complete.

3. Back-end code

Here I choose to upload the picture to Ali Cloud server, where is not important

/** * Document attachment upload *@paramBillId Document ID *@paramFormType Document type *@paramFile Uploaded file *@return
 * @throws Exception
public AjaxResult uploadFormFile(@RequestParam(value = "billId") Long billId,
                             @RequestParam(value = "formType") Integer formType,
                             @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile[] file) throws Exception {
    try {
        // The path after the file is uploaded
        List<String> pathList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (MultipartFile f : file) {
            if(! f.isEmpty()) {// Call the interface to upload photos
                AjaxResult result = uploadService.uploadFormFile(f, billId, formType);
                if(! result.get("code").toString().equals("200")) {
                    return AjaxResult.error("Uploading file failed, please contact administrator");
                pathList.add(result.get("data").toString()); }}// Return the image path
        return AjaxResult.success(pathList);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        returnAjaxResult.error(e.getMessage()); }}Copy the code

Here we take the file with an array of MultipartFile, and then we call a method that determines some properties of the file and then we upload the file, and we don’t want to post the method of uploading the file.

At this point, this article is ok. A list of MIME types can be viewed here. If you encounter any problems in the process, you can leave a comment below, I will reply.

Think good can help point a like ah, can also follow my public number [bald elder brother programming]