This is the 17th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

1. Front – end interaction mode

1.1 Interface Invocation Mode

  • Native ajax
  • Jquery-based Ajax
  • fetch
  • axios

1.2 URL Address Format

1.2.1 Traditional URL format

1.2.2 Restful URL

  • HTTP Request Mode

    • GET the query
    • The POST to add
    • PUT to modify

2. Promise usage

2.1 Asynchronous Invocation

  • Asynchronous effect analysis

    • Timing task
    • Ajax
    • Event functions
  • Dependency analysis for multiple asynchronous calls

    • Multiple asynchronous calls result in an uncertain order
    • Asynchronous call results need to be nested if there are dependencies

2.2 summary of Promise

Promises are a solution to asynchronous programming. Syntactically, promises are an object from which to retrieve messages for asynchronous operations

The main benefits of using promises are:

  • Multiple layers of asynchronous call nesting can be avoided (callback hell)
  • The Promise object provides a concise API that makes it easier to control asynchronous operations

2.3 Basic usage of Promise

  • instantiationPromiseObject, the transfer function in the constructor used to handle asynchronous tasks
  • resolveandrejectTwo parameters are used to handle both success and failure and passp.thenObtaining processing results
Var p = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){resolve()}); Function (ret){reject (ret){reject (ret){reject (ret){reject (ret)})Copy the code

2.4 apis commonly used by Promise

  • P. then() gets the correct result of the asynchronous task
  • P.catch () retrieves exception information
  • Of () will be executed (not yet a formal standard)

2.5 Promise object methods

  • Promise.all() processes multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, and results are obtained only when all tasks are completed
  • Promise.race() handles multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, and gets results as long as one task completes


3.1 summary of the fetch

  1. The basic features
  • A simpler way to get data, with more power and flexibility, can be seen as an upgrade to XHR
  • Implementation based on promises
  1. Grammatical structure
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3.2 Basic usage of FETCH

Fetch ('/ ABC ').then(data=>{return data.text()}).then(ret=>{console.log(ret)})Copy the code

3.3 Fetch Request Parameters

  • Method: HTTP request method. Default value: GET (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE)
  • Body :HTTP request parameter
  • Headers: HTTP request headers, default {}
Fetch ('/ ABC ',{method: 'get'}).then(data=>{return data.text()}).then(ret=>{console.log(ret)})Copy the code

3.4 Fetch Response Result

Response data format

  • Text (): Treats the return body as a string
  • Json (): Returns the same result as json.parse (responseText)


4.1 Basic features of AXIOS

  • Supports browsers and Node.js
  • Supporting promise
  • Intercepts requests and responses
  • Automatically convert JSON data

4.2 Basic usage of axios

Axois.get ('/data').then(ret=>{//data attribute name is fixed, used to get the data console.log(} for the background response)Copy the code

4.3 Common apis for AXIos

  • Get: Queries data
  • Post: Adds data
  • Put: Modifies data
  • Delete: deletes data

4.4 Response result of AXIos

  • Data: The result of the actual response
  • Headers: information about the response header
  • Status: indicates the response status code
  • StatusText: indicates the response status

4.5 AxiOS Global Configuration

  • Axios.defaults. timeout = 3000 // The time is out
  • Axios. Defaults. BaseURL = ‘http://localhost:3000/app’ / / the default address
  • Axios. Defaults. Headers [‘ mytoken] = ‘aqwerwqwerqwer2ewrwe23eresdf23’ / / set the request header

4.6 Axios Interceptor

  1. Request interceptor

Set up some information before the request is sent

/ / add a request interceptor axios. Interceptors. Request. Use (function (config) {/ / before request for some information set return config}, function (err) { // Handle error messages in response})Copy the code
  1. Response interceptor

Do some processing on the data before you get it

/ / add a request interceptor axios. Interceptors. Response. Use (function (res) {/ / before request for some information set return res}, function (err) {/ / process the response error message})Copy the code

5. Use the async/await

  • Async /await is a new syntax introduced in ES7 to facilitate asynchronous operations
  • The async keyword is used on functions (async functions return the Promise instance object)
  • The await keyword is used in async functions (to get an asynchronous result with await)
 async function queryData(id){
     const ret = await axios.get('/data')
     return ret
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