Based optimization
1. Put the stylesheet link in the header
<link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css">
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2. Put the JS script at the bottom
<body> ********** <! <script SRC ="example.js"></script> </body>Copy the code
Route lazy loading
Const routes = [{name: 'index, path:'/', component: () = > import ('.. / view/example vue '), / / dynamic import},]Copy the code
Component lazy loading
export default { data(){ return{} }, components:{ "helloworld":import('.. /components/helloworld.vue') } }Copy the code
Import third-party packages using CDN
The < body > < script SRC = "" > < / script > < script SRC = "" > < / script > < / body >Copy the code
Configure in WebPack
/** * externals:{vue:' vue 'jquery:' jquery'}Copy the code
Lazy loading of images
npm install vue-lazyload -D
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The main js file
import VueLazyLoad from 'vue-lazyload';
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<template> <div> <img v-lazy=".. /assets/image/one.png" /> </div> </template>Copy the code
According to the need to introduce
When using some third-party libraries, load on demand to avoid introducing unused parts.
Preload a resource using link’s preload attribute.
<link href="style.css" rel="preload" as="style" >
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Async tag
Async tells the browser to do something else while loading the JS. Multiple script tags can be loaded in parallel without making the JS wait for each other. The JS is executed immediately after loading.
<script src="main.js" async></script>
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Defer tag
Similar to async markup, javascript code is loaded asynchronously in parallel, but unlike Async, it will not be executed immediately after loading. Instead, it will wait for the browser to parse the HTML and generate the Render tree, and it will be executed in js order. So if there are dependencies between js modules, try to use defer.