The installation of the Vue

npm install -g @vue/cli

Yarn Global add @vue/cli(1.0/2.0 installation commands)

View the vUE version: vue –version

// Create vUE project

vue create mi

cd mi

npm run serve

vue ui

Copy all files in the MI project to the cloned project folder in the repository and replace them

After opening the Vue UI, go to the editor, and then import the project

Note: Import project path can only be on disk C, strange? I couldn’t switch to another disk, I was confused ~

Then install axios, VUE-Router, vuex in the project dependencies

Synchronize Settings to git repository, and then create branch growth at roughly one version per day.

Vue DevTools is installed and used

This method is easier and faster, you can go to the official website, but there is no need, because I went to the official website, the first version of the problem, and then decompress it seems still stuck?? It’s just a hassle.

It’s like a little bit of water, and it took two days to make something like this…