A, node. Js

(1) Download:

Chinese website: nodejs.cn/download/

(2) Installation

Download the MSI file, install it foolishly, and install it wherever you want

(3) verification

After the installation is complete, enter [node -v] and [NPM -v] respectively in the CMD window. If the Node version is displayed, the installation is successful

(4) Configure taobao mirror and check

npm config set registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org
npm config get registry
Copy the code

2. Install the CNPM image

npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
Copy the code

Install vUE

cnpm install vue -g
Copy the code

Iv. Install VUE-CLI

cnpm install vue-cli -g
Copy the code

Five, validation,

vue -V
Copy the code



6. Project verification

1. Create a project

vue init webpack my-vue-project
Copy the code

2. Enter the project

cd my-vue-project
Copy the code

3. Start the project

cnpm run dev
Copy the code


4. Web access

