Encapsulate your own components

In daily development, we often use plug-in framework UI in Vue, which is very convenient. But how do we encapsulate our own defined components?Copy the code


Create a custom component in main.js using the following code with the keyword installCopy the code
// Custom plug-in
const myplugin = {  // is an object
install: function (Vue) {
  // Do anything
  console.log(Vue); }}// Use plugins
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The following is an extension that uses custom plug-ins and mixins to create a form validation

Entry file app.vue

<div id="app">The user name<input type="text" v-model="name" />

export default {
name: "app".data() {
  return {
    foo: 10.name: "Hahaha HHH".validate: "".// Verify the result
reles: {
  foo: {
    validate: (value) = > value > 1.Function (value){return value > 1}
    message: "The variable must be greater than 1.",},name: {
    validate: (value) = > value.length > 6.Function (value){return value! = = ""}
    message: "Name attribute greater than 6 characters",}}};</script>
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The main js to write

// The main.js plug-in form encapsulates a global blend
// Custom plug-in
const myplugin = {  // is an object
install: function (Vue) {
  // Do anything
  // console.log(Vue);
  Vue.mixin({  // Create a global blend
    created() {
      if (this.$options.reles) {   //$option is used to get data and methods outside of data
        // Check whether all pages have this rule
        for (let key in this.$options.reles) {
          // Get each value
          const rule = this.$options.reles[key]
          // Listen for changes in values
          this.$watch(key, newValue= > {   / / name / / new values
            // Verify the result
            const reuslt = rule.validate(newValue)  // The result is a Boolean
            if(! reuslt) {this.validate = rule.message
            } else {
              this.validate = ""}})}}}})}}Copy the code

The effect