1. Realize the transition effect of expanding and closing
  2. The selected item refreshes the page and keeps the selected expansion effect
  3. Dynamic indentation of submenus
  4. Implement using component recursion


<template> <div class="menu"> <collapseMenu :list="$router.options.routes" :depth="1" :currentName="currentName" @routeJump="routeJump"></collapseMenu> </div> </template> <script> import collapseMenu from './collapse-menu' export default { components: { collapseMenu }, data() { return { currentName: null }; }, mounted() { this.currentName = this.$route.name }, methods: RouteJump (item) {this.$route.push ({name: routeJump(routeJump(item)); item.name}) this.currentName = this.$route.name } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .menu { height: 100%; width: 50%; overflow: auto; background: #000000; } </style>Copy the code


<template> <div :class="depth === 1 ? 'collapse-menu' :'menu-children'" :style="{display:depth === 1 ? "' : 'none'}"> <template v-for="(item,index) in list"> <div class="menu-group" v-if="item.children && item.children.length" :key="index" @click.stop="openMenu($event.currentTarget.children[1],item.name)"> <div class="menu-title" :style="{'padding-left': `${depth * 20}px`}"> <span> <i v-show="item.meta.icon" v-html="item.meta.icon"></i> {{item.meta.title}} </span> <span class="icon-top" :class="{active:activeName[item.name]}">&#9650; </span> </div> <collapse-menu :list="item.children" :depth="depth + 1" :current-name="currentName" v-on="$listeners"></collapse-menu> </div> <div class="menu-title" :key="index" :style="{'padding-left': `${depth * 20}px`}" :class="{'menu-active':currentName === item.name}" v-else @click.stop="routeJump(item,$event)"> <span> <i v-show="item.meta.icon" v-html="item.meta.icon"></i> {{item.meta.title}} </span> </div> </template> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "collapse-menu", props: { list: Array, depth: Number, currentName: String}, data() {return {activeName: {}, activeDelay: {}, // true indicates the transition is still in progress, false indicates the transition is complete. document, } }, Mounted () {for (let value of this.$route. Matched) {for (let value of this.list) {if (item.name === value.name) { this.$el.opened = true this.$el.style.display = '' this.$set(this.activeName, value.name, ! this.activeName[value.name]) return } } } }, methods: {/** * openMenu **/ openMenu(dom, key) {// throttling // true indicates that the transition effect is not finished, If (this.activeDelay[key]) {return} // Transition end triggers dom.onTransitionEnd = (el) => {if (el. Target. ClassList. The contains (' menu - children ')) {/ close true/false if (dom. The opened) {dom. The opened = false dom.style.height = `` dom.style.display = 'none' } else { dom.opened = true dom.style.height = `` } } this.$set(this.activeDelay, key, false) el.stopPropagation() } if (! dom.opened) { dom.style.display = 'block' dom.style.height = `0` this.$nextTick(() => { dom.style.height = `${dom.scrollHeight}px` }) } else { dom.style.height = `${dom.scrollHeight}px` setTimeout(() => { dom.style.height = '0' })} This.$set(this. ActiveDelay, key, true) // Set triangle class this. This.activename [key])}, /** * routeJump(item) {if (this.$route.name! == item.name) { this.$emit('routeJump', item) } } } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .menu-children { transition: height .5s; } .menu-children, .collapse-menu { overflow: hidden; color: #cccccc; } .icon-top { margin-top: 3px; The transition: 0.5 s transform; } .active { transform: rotateZ(180deg); } .menu-title { padding-right:20px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; height: 45px; &:hover { background: #1E2088; span { color: #ffffff; } } span { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; i:first-child{ margin-right: 10px; } } } .menu-active { background: #1E2088; color: #ffffff; } </style>Copy the code

Testing the Router file

Export default [{path: '/test', name: 'test', meta: {title: 'XX config ', icon: '< I style=" font-size: 14px! Important; initial;">&#9728;</i>' }, children: [ { path: 'vcvc', name: 'vcvc', meta: { title: 'vcvc' }, children: [ { path: 'aaa', name: 'aaa', meta: { title: 'aaa' }, }, { path: 'nnn', name: 'nnn', meta: { title: 'nnn' }, } ] }, { path: 'fdf', name: 'fdf', meta: { title: 'fdf', icon: '<i style="font-style: initial;">&#9729;</i>' }, children: [ { path: 'opop', name: 'opop', meta: { title: 'opop' }, }, { path: 'jjj', name: 'jjj', meta: { title: 'jjj' }, children: [ { path: 'pppp', name: 'pppp', meta: { title: 'pppp' }, }, { path: 'ilili', name: 'ilili', meta: { title: 'ilili' }, }, ] } ] }, { path: 'test', name: 'test', meta: { title: 'test', icon: '<i style="font-style: initial;">&#9748;</i>' }, children: [ { path: 'nbnb', name: 'nbnb', meta: { title: 'nbnb' }, } ] }, ] }, { path: '/aaaa', name: 'aaaa', meta: { title: 'aas', icon: '<i style="font-style: initial;">&#9815;</i>' }, }, ]Copy the code