A preface.

Project Overview

You can learn through this program

  • Ability to initialize projects based on Vue
  • Capable of project development based on Vue technology stack
  • Be able to use Vue third-party components for project development
  • Be able to identify a development pattern that separates the front and back ends

Ii. Project overview

Overview of basic services of e-commerce projects

The e-commerce system is divided into:

  • PC
  • PC Background Management
  • Small program
  • The mobile web
  • Mobile app

This is the main PC background management

2.2 Functions of the e-commerce background management system

E-commerce background management system for

  • Managing user Accounts
  • Classification of goods
  • Commodity information
  • Service functions such as order and data statistics

2.3 Development mode of E-commerce background Management System (separation of front and rear ends)

The back-end management system of e-commerce adopts the development mode of separating the front and back ends as a whole, and the front-end project is spa project based on Vue technology stack

2.4 Technology selection of e-commerce background management system

Technology stack for front-end projects

  • Vue
  • Vue-router
  • Element-UI
  • Axios
  • Echarts

The back-end project

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Jwt
  • Mysql
  • Sequelize

Overall Learning Directory

  • Description of project
  • Project initialization
  • Login/logout function
  • Home Page Layout (current progress)
  • User Management Module
  • Permission management module
  • Classification management module
  • Parameter management module
  • Commodity Management module
  • Order Management Module (Echarts)