Vue DevUI is a purely community-incubated and evolving vuE3 open source component library with over 57 contributors and 53 components.

On October 1, we posted a post to update you on the progress of Vue DevUI:

Vue DevUI already has 36 components ~ πŸ˜‹πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

At the time, Vue DevUI had 36 components, 37 new contributors, 123 PR, and 604 commits.

After a month’s development, these data have almost doubled. By October 30, 2021, we have:

  • 57contributors
  • 53A component
  • 222A PR
  • 1083Time to submit

Welcome to join us to build a user-friendly, easy-to-use, powerful Vue3 open source component library, interested partners can add DevUI small assistant wechat: Devui-Official, pull you into our core development group.

Welcome to the live broadcast by Kagol and the village head from the DevUI team to learn how to build a Vue3 component library.

Here are the latest developments in Vue DevUI.

Components (53)

The latest version of Vue DevUI is v1.0.0-beta.2

We are also deploying our website to Gadee. IO

Welcome to experience and try Vue DevUI, and give us your comments ~

It contains 53 components in 6 categories, and supports on-demand loading, theme customization, internationalization and other features of components.

🌟 : New components (17)

General (10)

  1. Button Button assembly – Zcating
  2. ClickOutside Click on external elements – kd554246839
  3. 🌟Fullscreen Fullscreen – micd
  4. Icon Icon – Kagol
  5. Overlay Mask layer – zcating
  6. Panel Panel component – To0Simple
  7. Ripple Water ripples – ErKeLost
  8. Search Search box – Laiweilun
  9. Status Status – LiuSuY
  10. Sticky then – maizhiyuan

Navigation (6)

  1. Anchor Anchor – Asian-TMAC
  2. 🌟Breadcrumb – Jecyu
  3. 🌟NavSprite – Flxy1028
  4. Pagination – 50-50
  5. 🌟StepsGuide Operation guide – Pupulus
  6. Tabs TAB component – FLxy1028

Feedback (7)

  1. Alert Alert – to0simple
  2. 🌟Drawer board – NowisFuture
  3. Loading Loading prompt – 50/50
  4. 🌟Modal Modal popover – Zcating
  5. 🌟Popover Suspension Tips – JsHai
  6. Toast global notification – IEL
  7. 🌟Tooltip – xiao_jius_father

Data entry (16)

  1. 🌟Cascader Cascading menu – Laiweilun
  2. CheckBox CheckBox – brenner8023
  3. DatePicker DatePicker – mrundef
  4. EditableSelect can be entered in the drop-down box – chengxi_24
  5. 🌟Form Form – AlanLee97
  6. Input text box – Brenner8023
  7. InputNumber Number input box – yqsheng
  8. Radio check box – Brenner8023
  9. Select drop-down selection box – lookForWhat
  10. Slider – httpxiaobocom
  11. Switch Switch – Brenner8023
  12. TagInput – Brenner8023
  13. 🌟TimePicker TimePicker – Dr_HHH
  14. Transfer shuttle frame – GuaimeengMengxiaoxiong
  15. 🌟 TreeSelect Tree selection box – Mingol
  16. Upload – ~zZ.Lucky

Data Presentation (12)

  1. Avatar Avatar – to0simple
  2. Badge – Duqingyu Badge
  3. Card Card – Vergil
  4. Carousel – onlyoupon
  5. ImagePreview ImagePreview – sise209
  6. Progress bar – Lao β€” Hu
  7. QuadrantDiagram QuadrantDiagram – nowisfuture
  8. Rate Score – ~ zz.lucky
  9. 🌟Skeleton Screen – IvestsZheng
  10. 🌟Table Table – Kagol & IvestsZheng
  11. 🌟TimeAxis – Jenson-Miao
  12. 🌟Tree – Gxuud & Sufuwang

Layout (2)

  1. 🌟Layout – Tanwenxue
  2. Splitter – Jecyu

As of October 30, 2021, Vue DevUI still has 2 unclaimed components:

  1. AutoComplete Component – Simple component
  2. DragDrop components –TOP4Complex components of

It is worth mentioning that DragDrop component is a component with a wide range of application scenarios, ranging from drag-and-drop uploading of files to dragable kanban, visual choreography system and low code platform. Their basic components are DragDrop. Although this component is complex and technically difficult, if it can be developed from 0 to 1, Not only can I have a lot of growth, but I can also have more understanding of the scene and field of drag.

So, you are welcome to take this field ~

Become the owner of DragDrop, feel the charm of DragDrop, and you will see a different world of components.


In terms of engineering, there were also many optimizations in this month:

  1. Added the quick location function of Demo – MICD
  2. Add a back to top button to your site – zzzautumn
  3. Complete internationalization of the component official website – xiao_jius_father
  4. Transform the warehouse into Monorepo mode – Kagol

Thanks to all participating in the Vue DevUI component library construction partners!