This dish is digging gold’s maiden work, hope everybody big big guy many bear with

Let’s start with a wave of rainbow farts

Nuggets is one of the most useful technology blog sites I have seen. Compared with some CSDN and some simple book, nuggets really has too much conscience, simple page and high appearance level, less advertising and more dry goods. Unlike some CSDN, advertisements can be seen everywhere, especially many parallel goods articles, and the quality of articles is uneven. Nuggets is not the same, no two brushes are embarrassed to publish articles (this dish belongs to a particularly thick skin, a brush all have no, but thick cheek to publish a parallel goods article). Therefore, in order to express the respect and support of this dish for gold digging, this dish uses copy (Chao) to make (XI) gold digging mobile client to develop a gold digging WebApp using Vue, I hope you dig friends big guys to mention some points.

The body of the


This project is copied from the WebApp developed by Digg gold client using Vue. All apis are from official Android. The page is basically similar to the Gold Digging App, but some of the pictures inside are using Ali’s Iconfont, so they are a little different from the pictures on the Gold digging App, but the overall function is almost the same as the gold digging App.

The project source code has been open source at gayhubgithub, click to view the source code, I hope you dig friends greatly give a star


(Front large wavelength GIF coming)

  • Home page
  • The boiling point
  • search
  • Small volumes
  • my
  • User home page
  • Topic home page
  • The article details
  • Boiling point details

To complete the degree

Thought modelled on App implementations should soon can all last night, can be found that the inside of the App do stuff is really quite a lot of (some of them are the dishes really can’t do, such as payments), including pages and interaction, to completely copy implementation does require some time and energy, such as UI is simple measurement + debugging to the naked eye, The page and interaction completion levels are listed below, but this should be just the majority. Unlisted, unimplemented follow-ups are implemented based on time and effort. The actual completion is based on the code

  • Startup page not done
  • Login, unlogin jump and page data refresh
  • Pull up loading, pull down the lock core
  • HOME to complete
    • The TAB to switch
    • TAB to edit
    • Articles published by concerned authors
    • give a like
  • The boiling point
    • The TAB to switch
    • TAB to edit
    • Follow the author published dynamic
    • give a like
    • Boiling point details
  • Search to complete
    • Search by summary, article, user, and tag
  • Small volumes
    • Small volume list
    • Small volume of details
    • Volume chapter details
    • Buy a booklet (I can’t do it)
  • my
    • Personal home page
      • The editor
      • activity
      • Original articles
      • The boiling point
      • collection
        • Collection details page
      • Favorite article
      • Labels of concern
        • Label Details page
    • The message center
    • Liked articles and boiling points
    • collection
      • To create the
      • Has been focused on
    • Purchased small volume (I don’t know if there is any problem)
    • Articles I have read
    • Label management
      • Concerned label
      • All tags
        • Recommend tags
        • All tags
      • Focus on the label
    • Night mode
    • Set up some
      • Change the password
    • The login page
    • The author list
      • User home page
        • Focus on
        • activity
        • Original articles
        • The boiling point
        • collection
          • Collection details page
            • Concern collection
            • Collection of articles list
        • Favorite article
        • Labels of concern
          • Label Details page
    • List of topics
      • More topics
      • Topic of concern
      • Topic details
        • Attention topic
    • Article Details page
      • The article content
      • Displays comment
      • Article author other series of articles
      • Pay attention to the author
      • Collect articles and share articles
      • comments
      • other
    • Boiling point details page
      • The article content
      • Displays comment
      • Recommend the boiling point
      • Pay attention to the author
      • Share the boiling point
      • comments
      • other
  • . There should be some completed ones that haven’t been listed, so let’s clone and run through themClick here to download the source

Degree of interaction completion

Comments, messages, attention, add to the collection, published boiling point and so on are not realized temporarily, because the APP inside the things are really a lot of……

  • comments
  • Leave a message
  • To be continued…


  1. The webpack-dev-server proxy is used to configure the proxy so that Node reportspossible EventEmiter memory leak detecetedIs warned of.
  2. The rich text part is a direct copy of the rich text style of the digger Web official website
  3. Some pages are not silky enough and will need to be improved
  4. If you look at the renderings carefully, you can see that some of the pages are buggy,
  5. The page switch animation doesn’t seem to be consistent enough. I don’t know if it’s the code (it’s definitely the code) or the browser
  6. There seem to be some problems with the login token. The same account login in two apps will not report token exception, but in this project, there will be problems with the login in two browsers.
  7. Font size Settings for HTML nodes are too small, so some elements that forget to design font size may not display text.
  8. We will continue to improve the project and develop some functions that can be developed. I hope you can give me more support.