Vue development practice is my best practice, not the best in the industry, only for your reference, this is a series of articles, but the release time and content is not fixed.


In local development scenarios, the project startup address is http://localhost:8080, but the back-end interface may be another address. In this case, cross-domain problems occur and debugging fails.

To solve this problem, two solutions are usually adopted:

  • With local agents, most front-end projects come with this capability
  • Is not recommendedThe back-end setCORS head

Currently, vuE-CLI has its own proxy function.

Configuring the Proxy Field

Configure the proxy field in vue.config.js:

// vue.config.js

/ * * *@link
 * @type {import('@vue/cli-service').ProjectOptions}* /
module.exports = {
  / * * *@link
   * @type {import('webpack-dev-server').Configuration}* /
  devServer: {
    proxy: {
      '/api': {
        target: ''.// Please fill in the real back-end address
        changeOrigin: true,},},},}Copy the code

Page of all begins the interface/API will be acting to

Proxy For complete configuration items, see HTTP-proxy-middleware.

Note Any modification to vue.config.js requires a restart of the application.

Match rule

     \______/\_______/ \__/\________/ \_____________/\___/
        |        |      |        |           |         |
      scheme  hostname port   pathname     query      hash
Copy the code

If the input/API matches a request that begins with/API.

The sample

Here’s axios as an example

import Axios from 'axios'

Copy the code

Open your browser’s console and switch to the Network panel to see that the request was successful


  • The routing configuration
  • Menu and Routing
  • Local Proxy scheme
  • Local Mock scheme