Recently, I encountered a lot of questions about VUE eventBus. I was also asked about the application scope of VUex and eventBus when deciding the technology selection. So let me just write it down. At the same time, there is a special implementation scheme.
There are several ways to pass data, vuex, props, eventBus, and special eventBus.
Without introducing it, the amount of data and complexity is not enough to make you look down without it.
Parent and child component transfer value, official API, only write a demo.
1. The parent component
<son :info=”info” @update=”updateHandler”/> // data info: ‘sendToSon’ // methods updateHandler (newVal) { = newVal } 2. Child components
$emit(‘update’, ‘got’) {// This.$emit(‘update’, ‘got’) {// This.$emit(‘update’, ‘got’) {// This. Because it is not recommended to modify the props passed by the parent component directly in the child component, you need to use a custom event.
Parent and child components.
Buses are imported BUS instances
// bus const bus = new Vue() // data receiving component // Current component receiving value bus.Emit (‘event1’, val) shows that the essence is a VUE instance acting as the medium for the event binding. It is used in all instances for data communication.
Both parties communicate using events of the same name.
The problem
On, otherwise it will not be able to listen for events, that is, there is a certain simultaneous requirement for components. (Note: During route switchover, the new route component is created first, and the old route component is destoryed. Some cases can be written into the two life cycles respectively, as shown in this problem).
Emit, multiple responses, additional processing required. Data is not “long-acting” data and cannot be saved, only valid after $emit.
So is there a better solution?
Special eventBus?
Let’s start with code, online code. Buses are imported BUS instances.
// bus const bus = new Vue({data () {return {// define data val1: “‘}}, created () {/ / bind to monitor this. $on (‘ updateData1 ‘(val) = > {this. Val1 = val})}}) / / component data
$emit(‘update1’, ‘123’) // data receiving component
{{val1}} // Use computed to receive data computed () {val1 () {// Rely on and return bus in val1 return bus.val1}} differently
Orthodox eventBus is only used to bind and trigger events, and does not care about data and does not interact with it. In this scenario, the data is added directly to the bus instance. Event listening and data addition must be defined in advance. Instead of using $ON to learn about data changes, data recipients receive passively by calculating attributes’ characteristics. Problem solved
Communication components must exist at the same time? The data is stored on the bus, so there is no requirement. Multiple bindings? Binding listeners are all on the bus and do not bind twice. Data only available after $emit? Use computed properties to read values that exist on the bus directly, without having to fire the event again.
To discuss
Why use computed properties
Data1: bus.data1? We can look at one more piece of code, online code. Change bus to
Data () {return {val: {result: $on(‘update1’, val => {console.log(‘ update1’, i1++) this.val.result = val})
{{dataResult}} Parent of {{dataResult}} data: {{dataVal}} computed relies on direct changes: {{computedResult}} // js data () {return {// dataResult: bus.val.result, // dataVal: Bus.val}}, computed: {computedResult () {// Rely on directly modified values return bus.val.result}} As you can see, data that obtains directly modified values in data cannot respond dynamically.
Why use events
It is also possible to assign bus.val = 1 instead of $emit.
A simplified version of Vuex
The eventBus is a simplified version of Vuex. The vUE documentation reads:
Components are not allowed to directly modify states that belong to store instances. Instead, they execute actions to dispatch events to notify stores of changes, and we end up with a Flux architecture. The advantage of this convention is that we can keep track of state changes in all stores. Store corresponds to bus instances, state corresponds to data, Action corresponds to events, and Dispatch corresponds to $emit. In addition, vuEX components obtain data by calculating attributes, so vuex and Flux architectures are not that difficult to understand and use.