Create and publish

The new component

File path: SRC/components/Hello/hello.html vue


  export default {
    // The name must be given, or the error will be reported
    name: 'Hello'
Copy the code

Exporting component plug-ins

File path: SRC/components/Hello/index, js

import Hello from "./Hello.vue"
Hello.install = Vue= > Vue.component(, Hello);
export default Hello;
Copy the code

Export packaged components to a module

File path: SRC /index.js

import Hello from "./components/Hello";
import xxx from "./components/xxx";

export {
Copy the code

Define a TS module that will be referenced without warning

File path: SRC /index.d.ts

Package. json -> name
declare module 'syy-ui';
Copy the code

Modify the package. The json

/* * private: set to false * main: indicates entry file * types: sets ts module entry file * files: mandatory file for uploading to the NPM server */
  "name": "syy-ui"."version": "0.1.0 from"."description": Component library."private": false."main": "./src/index.js"."types": "./src/index.d.ts"."files": [
    "src/components/*"."src/index.js"."src/index.d.ts"],}Copy the code

Release NPM package

  • Visit to sign up for an account
  • Return to the terminal window of the VUE project
    // You need to switch to the original NPM image. Taobao image cannot be used
    npm login / / login
    npm who am i // Confirm login
    Json -> version (package.json -> version)
    npm publish / / release
    Copy the code

Use the component library

The installation

npm i syy-ui -S
Copy the code

Import files on demand in the entry

import { Hello, xxx } from "syy-ui"
Copy the code

Use in pages

    <Hello />
Copy the code


  • Hot heartbeat: VUE custom component library releases NPM