The effect is as follows:

NPM install vue-cropper-s

Used in main.js

import VueCropper from 'vue-cropper' 
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In-component use

import { VueCropper }  from 'vue-cropper' 
components: {
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Need to wrap with outer container and set width height (class=”cropper” need to set height)

<div class="cropper-wrap">
      <div class="cropper-content">
        <div class="cropper-preview">
            <img class="preview-image" :src="prewImg">
        <div class="cropper">
      <div class="cropper-footer">
        <el-button class="cropper-btn" @click="handleCropper">tailoring</el-button>
        <el-button class="cropper-cancel" @click="cancel">cancel</el-button>
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      prewImg: ' '.// Preview the image
      option: {
        img: ' '.// The address of the cropped image is usually the address of the uploaded image
        outputSize: 0.8.// Crop the quality of the generated image
        outputType: 'png'.// Crop the generated image format
        info: true.// Trim the size of the box
        canScale: false.// Whether the image allows the scroll wheel to zoom
        autoCrop: true.// Whether a screenshot box is generated by default
        autoCropWidth: 252.// The width of the screenshot box is generated by default
        autoCropHeight: 142.// The height of the screenshot box is generated by default
        fixedBox: false.// The size of the fixed screenshot box cannot be changed
        fixed: true.// Whether to enable the fixed ratio of the width and height of the screenshot frame
        fixedNumber: [16.9].// The ratio of width to height of the screenshot box
        canMove: true.// Whether the uploaded image can be moved
        canMoveBox: true.// The screenshot box can be dragged
        original: false.// Upload the image to the original scale render
        centerBox: true.// Whether the screenshot box is confined to the image
        infoTrue: false.// true Displays the width and height of the actual output image. False Displays the width and height of the screenshot frame
        full: false.// Whether to output the screenshot of the original scale
        enlarge: 0.8.// The image is output proportionally based on the screenshot box
        mode: 'cover' // The image is rendered by default}}Copy the code
// Live preview
realTime(data) {
      this.$refs.cropper.getCropData((data) = > {
        this.prewImg = data
// Obtain the base64 data of the screenshot
 handleCropper() {
    this.$refs.cropper.getCropData((data) = > {
     // TODO})}Copy the code

For more configuration items and methods, see GitHub address:…

Online example:…