A list,
When introducing styles, variables need to be introduced in each file. In order to avoid the problem of introducing variables separately for each use, style-resources-loader is adopted.
To ensure the specified CSS parser plug-in installation (less and less – loader | stylus, stylus – loader…). After.
In this example, create a reset.less (the file name is optional) and the path is @/assets/reset.less.
Example of single page import:
<style lang="less" scoped> // @import "@/assets/reset.less"; @import ".. /assets/reset.less"; .content { color: @dzm-color; } </style>Copy the code
Simply introducing the import ‘@/assets/reset.less’ in the main.js file will not achieve the global style, which is a mistake.
You do not need to import the import ‘@/assets/reset.less’ in the main.js file for the following two configurations.
2. Configuration Mode 1
Install style – resources – loader
$ npm i style-resources-loader Copy the code
Install the vue – cli – plugin – style – resources – loader
$ npm i vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader Copy the code
Create vue.config.js and add the following configuration
const path = require('path'); Module. exports = {// install style-resources-loader and vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader pluginOptions: {'style-resources-loader': {preProcessor: 'less', // All three patterns are available. ["./src/assets/reset1.less", "./src/assets/reset2.less"] // patterns: "./src/assets/reset.less" patterns: [// The path can be written either way. The @ sign cannot be used for the path. Resolve (__dirname, './ SRC /assets/reset.less') path.resolve(__dirname, 'SRC /assets/reset.less')]}}};Copy the code
3. Configuration Mode 2
Install style – resources – loader
$ npm i style-resources-loader Copy the code
Create vue.config.js and add the following configuration
Module.exports = {// setup: style-resources-loader chainWebpack: (config) => { const oneOfsMap = config.module.rule("less").oneOfs.store; oneOfsMap.forEach(item => { item .use("style-resources-loader") .loader("style-resources-loader") .options({ // // Patterns: ["./ SRC /assets/reset1.less", "./ SRC /assets/reset2.less"] Patterns: ["./ SRC /assets/reset2.less"] "./src/assets/reset.less" }) .end() }) } };Copy the code
Four, choose one of the above two ways
Once configured, rerun the project for testing
<template> <! Dzm-test </div> </template> <script> export default {} </script> <style lang="less" Scoped > // use the styles. content {margin-top: 50px; margin-top: 50px; color: @dzm-color; } </style>Copy the code