This is the third day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Yesterday I released my first Vue component seriously written, if you are interested, you can take a look: Yesterday, the basic functions of the component (including amplification, abbreviation, rotation, restore) have been completed, and today, plus the download, although the download seems to have no use, right click save as can be, but the download write write found a lot of knowledge points, For example, to download files from different SRC addresses (httpURL,base64, local address), I will post the code in a moment, you can see ~ then I will configure the project a little bit, upload it to NPM, For other projects or friends who need to use (whether you use it or not, I feel my component is very good, hahaha ~).

1. Download function realization

// utils/index.js

/ / blob downloaded
export async function downFile(url, fileName = "download") {
  try {
    let blob = null;
    // Local image network image base64 image processing
    if (url.startsWith("http")) {
      blob = await getBlob(url);
    } else if (url.startsWith("data:image")) {
      let mime = getBase64Type(url);
      blob = mime ? dataURLtoBlob(url, mime) : dataURLtoBlob(url);
    } else if (url.startsWith("/")) {
      blob = await getBlob(window.origin + url);
    } else {

    let a = document.createElement("a"); = fileName;
    a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(error); }}// Convert Base64 to BLOB
export function dataURLtoBlob(base64, mimeType = "image/png") {
  let bytes = window.atob(base64.split(",") [1]);
  let ab = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
  let ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
  for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    ia[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i);
  return new Blob([ab], { type: mimeType });
// Convert web urls to bloBs
export function getBlob(url) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
    xhr.responseType = "blob";
    xhr.onload = () = > {
      if (xhr.status == 200) {
      } else{ reject(); }}; xhr.send(); }); }// Get the base64 file type
export function getBase64Type(base64) {
  let index0 = base64.indexOf(":");
  let index1 = base64.indexOf(";");
  let mime = "";
  if(index0 ! = = -1&& index1 ! = = -1) {
    mime = base64.slice(index0 + 1, index1);
  return mime;

Copy the code

2. Release components

Component registration utility functions

// Import components
import imgLargeMode from "@/components/img-large-mode";
// Install method for use with vue.use () registration
const install = (Vue, option) = > {
  // Create a constructor to generate a Vue instance
  const componentInstance = Vue.extend(imgLargeMode);
  // Define the instantiation object
  let currentComponent = null;
  // Instantiate the object to mount the component under body
  const initInstance = () = > {
    currentComponent = new componentInstance();
    let componentEL = currentComponent.$mount().$el;
  // Define the user to use the method, hang to the Vue
  Vue.prototype.$_openLargeMode = {
    show(opt) {
      initInstance();; }}; };if (typeof window! = ="undefined" && window.Vue) {
export default {

Copy the code


  "name": "img-large-mode"."version": "0.1.0 from"."main": "./dist/img-large-mode.umd.min.js"."author": "Tmier"."description": "Vue based Big Picture Pattern Components"."keywords": [
    "img-large-mode"."img-large"."large-mode"]."repository": {
    "type": "git"."url": ""
  "license": "MIT"."files": [
    "dist"]."private": false."scripts": {
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve"."build": "vue-cli-service build"."package": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name img-large-mode --dest dist ./src/components/index.js"."lint": "vue-cli-service lint"
  "dependencies": {... },"devDependencies": {... }}Copy the code

Package. json (package.json)

Name: component name, package name, must be unique

Version: specifies the version number. This parameter is mandatory

Main: Entry function that starts the project file

If the package is installed by the user, require(‘foo-lib’) returns the module.exports property of the file listed in the main field when the user executes it

Author: the author

Description: describe

Keywords: keywords

License: license

Repository: A repository in which code is stored

Private: Default true, set to false when publishing a package, otherwise NPM will refuse to publish it

Files: is an array of files describing the items to include when installing a package as a dependency. If you declare a folder in an array, the files in that folder are also included. Some special files and directories are also included or excluded, whether they exist in the file array or not.

The following files, whether set or not, always contain: * 'package.json' * 'README' * 'CHANGES'/' CHANGELOG '/' HISTORY '*' LICENSE '/' NOTICE '* The file in The' main ' Field the following files are always ignored:  * `.git` * `CVS` * `.svn` * `.hg` * `.lock-wscript` * `.wafpickle-N` * `.*.swp` * `.DS_Store` * `._*` * `npm-debug.log`  * `.npmrc` * `node_modules` * `config.gypi` * `*.orig` * `package-lock.json`(use shrinkwrap instead)Copy the code

Add a new command to scripts that I think I should note:

"package": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name img-large-mode --dest dist ./src/components/index.js"
Copy the code
Usage: vue cli - service build [options] [entry | pattern] options: - mode specified environment mode (default: production), dest specifies the output directory (default: Dist) - modern geared to the needs of modern browsers with automatic back to build applications -- target app | lib | wc | wc - async (default: app) - library name or the name of the Web Components mode (default: Package. The json"name"Field or entry filename) --no-clean Don't clean target directory before building project --report generates report-html to help analyze package contents --report-json generates report-.json to help analyze package contents --watch Listening for file changesCopy the code

Build command build target library name img-large-mode output directory dist function entry

PS: This entry can be a.js or a.vue file. If no entry is specified, SRC/app.vue is used.

After the configuration is complete, the NPM release ~ is next

NPM distribution package

npm login // Enter the username and password to log in to NPMNPM run package NPM publishCopy the code

Ok, successful release, done ~

Almost. I installed my own package on my home computer while I was writing this article, and then realized I had it with mevue.vuex.vue-routerIs there something I don’t have configured? I installed itelement-ui, found that it does not install vUE related library, there is no big guy to give advice ~

3. Looking forward to

Improve the function of the component, the following can be thought of at present, can be added to see:

  • Support array List, pictures can be realized on the next view
  • ant designThe samemodalAnimation Effect to add animation to the picture mask

Refer to the article:…