
(This article is a demo to briefly explain the principle of AST. This is the article of 18 years 19 years, reissue)

Convert VUE components into wechat applet components through AST

AST abstract syntax trees, which we don’t seem to be used to. In fact, in our projects, CSS preprocessing, JSX or TypeScript processing, code formatting and beautification tools, Eslint, Javascript translation, code compression, Webpack, VUe-CLI, ES6 to ES5, All of them are inseparable from the AST abstract syntax tree, the hulk. To keep things in suspense, let’s take a look at the official explanation from AST:

It is a hierarchical program representation that presents source code structure according to the grammar of a programming language, each AST node corresponds to an item of a source code.

Abstract syntax tree (AST for short), or syntax tree (syntax tree), is the tree representation of the abstract syntax structure of the source code, especially the source code of the programming language. The opposite of an abstract syntaxtree is a concrete syntaxtree, often called a parse tree. Typically, during source code translation and compilation, the parser creates an analysis tree. Once the AST is created, information is added during subsequent processing, such as the semantic analysis phase. Abstract syntax tree, which represents the syntax structure of a programming language as a tree, with each node in the tree representing a structure in the source code. By manipulating this tree, you can precisely locate the declaration, assignment, and operation statements, so as to achieve code optimization, change, and other operations. That’s not what we want to see.

The mystery of the AST veil seems to have been revealed. Yes, in my first contact with him, the same feeling is indeed difficult. But as you get to know it, you’ll like it more and more. Because he’s so powerful. The AST itself is not difficult. The difficulty lies in the syntax difference between the target object and the source object of the transformation. But it only makes us want to explore him more. Before we begin, let’s take a look at what an abstract syntax tree looks like.

First, explore AST

Using AstExplorer [1] (AST tree view site), you can easily view the syntax tree of your code and pick your favorite library. You can play with AST online, and there are many AST libraries in other languages besides JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, giving us a sense of what it is all about. Take a look at the following image to see what the AST syntax tree looks like:

ExportDefault {} | Tokens | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportDefault {} | tokens | position | false | tokens

International convention, let’s do a little demo

The input data

function square(n) {
  return n * n;
Copy the code

Process the data

  astFn() {
      const code = `function square(n) { return n * n; } `;
      // Get the AST syntax tree
      const ast = babylon.parse(code);

      traverse(ast, {
        enter(path) {
          console.log("enter: " + path.node.type);
          // The following statement matches the n and argument n in return and replaces it with x.
          if (path.node.type === "Identifier" && path.node.name === "n") {
            path.node.name = "x"; }}}); generate(ast, {}, code);// Convert the AST to code
      console.log(generate(ast, {}, code).code );// Prints out the converted JavaScript code
Copy the code

The output data

  function square(x) {
    return x * x;
Copy the code

Let’s look at our AST tree

Next we insert the processing of converting the VUE component into the regular version of the wechat applet component

Two, simple and crude version (VUE component into wechat small program component)

There is no easy version introduction to using AST to convert VUE components into applets

Below are two pieces of code, simple logic, implementation ideas, matching target strings, replacing characters, and generating files. This rule is not perfect and cannot be used directly.

  regs:{// Replace the tag supported by the corresponding applet with a tag match
    toViewStartTags: /(<h1)|(<s)|(<em)|(<ul)|(<li)|(<dl)|(<i)|(<span)/g,
    toViewEndTags: /(<\/h1>)|(<\/s>)|(<\/em>)|(<\/ul>)|(<\/li>)|(<\/dl>)|(<\/i>)|(<\/span>)/g,
    toBlockStartTags: /(<div)|(<p)/g,
    toBlockEndTags: /(<\/div>)|(<\/p>)/g,},signObj: {// Separate scripts, templates, and CSS by tag lookup
    tempStart: '<template>'.tempEnd: '</template>'.styleStart: '<style scoped>'.styleEnd: '</style>'.scriptStart: '<script>'.scriptEnd: '</script>'

Copy the code

The top is the regular version of some template matching rules, after a series of subsequent processing to get a VUE component of the corresponding small program WXML, WXSS, JSON, JS, 4 files.

/ / file
const wxssFilePath = path.join(dirPath, `${mpFile}.wxss`);
const jsFilePath = path.join(dirPath, `${mpFile}.js`);
const wxmlFilePath = path.join(dirPath, `${mpFile}.wxml`);
const jsonFilePath = path.join(dirPath, `${mpFile}.json`);
if(! fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(dirPath); } fs.writeFile(wxssFilePath, wxssContent,err= > {
  if (err) throw err;
  //console.log(' file ${mpFile}. WXSS generated successfully in dist ');
  fs.writeFile(jsFilePath, jsContent, err= > {
  if (err) throw err;
       // console.log(' generated ${mpFile}.js file successfully in dist ');
        fs.writeFile(wxmlFilePath, wxmlContent, err= > {
          if (err) throw err;
          //console.log(' generated ${mpFile}. WXML file successfully in dist ');
          fs.writeFile(jsonFilePath, jsonContent, err= > {
            if (err) throw err;
           console.log(Dist directory${mpFile}Json file successful ')
            resolve(` generated${mpFile}Json file successful '); })})}); });Copy the code

The top is the processed WXML, WXSS, JSON, JS files, and generated to the corresponding directory. The code implementation took a short time, and the subsequent change of the scheme did not optimize, so I will not discuss the implementation scheme in detail here.

The core of the AST abstract syntax tree:

Abstract syntax tree

Babel is a JavaScript compiler, or rather a source-to-source compiler, commonly known as a “transpiler”. This means that you provide Some JavaScript code to Babel, which Babel changes and returns to you the newly generated code.

Babel-core: the compiler for Babel; It exposes the babel.transform method.

[1] Babylon: Babylon is the parser for Babel. Used to generate AST syntax trees.

[2] Babel-traverse: Babel traverse. All the Transformers use this tool to traverse all AST (abstract syntax trees), maintain the state of the entire tree, and replace, remove, and add nodes. We can use Babylon with us to iterate and update nodes.

[3] Babel-generator: a code generator for Babel. It reads the AST and converts it into code.

The whole compiler is divided into three parts: analyzer, converter and generator. The general flow is as follows:

Enter the string -> Babylon parser parse -> Get AST -> Converter -> Get AST -> babel-generator -> OutputCopy the code
Summarize the core three steps:

Parse => traverse convert AST => generate(AST, {}, code).code)

Interested in children’s shoes, can be on the Internet or see the reference materials are introduced. Now that we’re done foreshadowing, let’s get to the point.

How on earth do we convert VUE components into wechat applets through AST?

4. Conversion of VUE components into external attributes and assignment statements of components in wechat applets

VUE component code Demo before conversion
    export default {
                  // External properties of the component
                  props: {
                      max: {
                          type: Number.value: 99}},// The internal data of the component
                      return {
                        num:10000}},// Component methods
                  methods: {
                     textFn() {
                       this.num = 2
                     onMyButtonTap: function(){
                      this.num = Awesome!}}},Copy the code

After processing we get the wechat applet component JavaScript part of the code

export default {
  properties: {
    // External properties of the component
    max: {
      type: Number.value: 99}},// The internal data of the component
    return {
      num: 10000}},// Component methods
  methods: {
    textFn() {
        num: 2
    onMyButtonTap: function () {
        num: Awesome!}); }}};Copy the code

What are we doing with JS (also packaged as Babel plug-in):

      //to AST
      const ast = babylon.parse(code, {
        sourceType: "module".plugins: ["flow"]});Copy the code
     //AST transforms node, nodeType is key
     traverse(ast, {
        enter(path) {
          // Prints node.type
          console.log("enter: "+ path.node.type); }})Copy the code
  ObjectProperty(path) {
     //props instead of properties
      if (path.node.key.name === "props") {
        path.node.key.name = "properties"; }}Copy the code
// Modify methods to use data attributes in methods. This.prop to this.data.prop and so on with this.setData handling.
MemberExpression(path) {
 let datasVals =  datas.map((item,index) = >{
    return item.key.name // Get the first level of the data attribute
  if (// An expression containing this and a data attribute
    path.node.object.type === "ThisExpression" &&
  ) {
    // Determine if it is an assignment
    if (
      (t.isAssignmentExpression(path.parentPath) &&
        path.parentPath.get("left") === path) ||
    ) {
      const expressionStatement = path.findParent(parent= >
      / /...}}}Copy the code

Partial AST tree of js code before conversion:

For details on how to use the API, take a look at Babel’s documentation.

Fifth, the conversion of VUE Component into Export Default to Component constructor in wechat applet Component and the processing of life cycle hook function and event function

First let’s look at the syntax tree and code before and after the conversion as follows:

AST tree and code before conversion

export default {// The usual notation for VUE components is used to export object modules
    props: {}}Copy the code

The transformed AST tree and code

components({// The constructor of the applet component
    props: {}})Copy the code

The conversion target is the conversion from ExportDefault to the Component constructor. Here’s how we did it:

What did we do (go into ExportDefault in the conversion and do the corresponding processing) :

// Conversion of ExportDefault to Component constructor
ExportDefaultDeclaration(path) {
// Create CallExpression Component({})
function insertBeforeFn(path) {
  const objectExpression = t.objectExpression(propertiesAST);
  test = t.expressionStatement(
      t.callExpression(// Create a call expression named Compontents with objectExpression
  // The resulting syntax tree
if (path.node.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") {
  if (path.node.declaration.properties) {
    // Extract attributes and store them
    propertiesAST = path.node.declaration.properties;
    // Create an AST wrap object
  // Get our final conversion result
  console.log(generate(test, {}, code).code);
Copy the code

There is another way to convert the ExportDefault => Component constructor: [1] The first approach is to extract the AST of all nodes inside ExportDefault and process it, then create a Component constructor and insert the EXTRACTED AST to get the final AST

//propertiesAST (); //propertiesAST (); //propertiesAST (); //propertiesAST ()
propertiesAST.map((item, index) = > {
  if (item.type === "ObjectProperty") {
    //props instead of properties
    if (item.key.name === "props") {
      item.key.name = "properties"; }}else if (item.type === "ObjectMethod") {
     if (path.node.key.name === "mounted") {
          path.node.key.name = "ready";
        } else if (path.node.key.name === "created") {
          path.node.key.name = "attached";
        } else if (path.node.key.name === "destroyed") {
          path.node.key.name = "detached";
        } else if (path.node.type === "ThisExpression") {
           if (path.parent.property.name === "$emit") {
            path.parent.property.name = "triggerEvent"; }}else {
          void null; }}}else if (path.node.key.name === "methods") {
        enter(path) {
           if (path.node.type === "ThisExpression") {
              if (path.parent.property.name === "$emit") {
                path.parent.property.name = "triggerEvent"; }}}})}else {
    / /...
    console.log("node type", item.type); }});Copy the code

[2] The second way of thinking is the one shown above, but with one key caveat:

  // I put the processing of the ExportDefaultDeclaration last and the AST first. Then create an AST that gets the JS part of the new applet component
  traverse(ast, {
        enter(path) {},
        ObjectProperty(path) {},
        ObjectMethod(path) {},
        / /...
        ExportDefaultDeclaration(path) {
        / /...}})Copy the code

If you want to insert at the beginning and end of the AST, use the path operation:

  t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("start.."))); path.insertAfter( t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("end..")));Copy the code

Note: Wechat applet does not support computed, and watch, we specifically adopted the initial plan is to mount computed and Watch methods to each wechat applet component, so that the applet component also supports these two functions.

Vi. Processing of the conversion of VUE components into the Data part of wechat applets:

The Data part of the processing is really: FunctionExpression to ObjectExpression

The JavaScript code before the transformation

export default {
    data(){// Function expression
      return {
        num: 10000.arr: [1.2.3].obj: {
          d1: "val1".d2: "val2"}}}}Copy the code

And then we get that

export default {
  data: {// Object expression
    num: 10000.arr: [1.2.3].obj: {
      d1: "val1".d2: "val2"}}};Copy the code

From the code comparison above, we can see how our code changes before and after the conversion:

AST tree comparison diagram before and after conversion to clarify conversion objectives:

What are we doing with JavaScript (also packaged as a Babel plug-in):
const ast = babylon.parse(code, {
  sourceType: "module".plugins: ["flow"]});Copy the code
//AST converts node and nodeType
traverse(ast, {
  enter(path) {
    // Prints node.type
    console.log("enter: "+ path.node.type); }})Copy the code

Our transitions are handled with a single Traverse to minimize the performance cost of AST tree traversal

// The Data function expression is converted to Object
ObjectMethod(path) {
  // console.log("path.node ",path.node )// data, add, textFn
  if (path.node.key.name === "data") {
    // Get the first-level BlockStatement, which is the body of the Data function
      BlockStatement(p) {
        // Extract Data attributes from Data
        datas = p.node.body[0].argument.properties; }});// Create an object expression
    const objectExpression = t.objectExpression(datas);
    // Create a Data object and assign it a value
    const dataProperty = t.objectProperty(
    // Insert below the original Data function
    // Delete the original Data nodepath.remove(); }}Copy the code

Seven, the processing of THE CSS part of the VUE component into the wechat applet component:

Here’s a sample of the CSS we’ll be working with

const code = `
    position: absolute;
    right: 150px;
    color: #e4393c;
    position: absolute;
    top: 50px;
    right: 120px;
    width: 50%;
    height: 200px;
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 26px; } `;Copy the code

And then we get that

.text-ok {
  position: absolute;
  right: 351rpx;
  color: #e4393c;

.nut-popup-close {
  position: absolute;
  top: 117rpx;
  right: 280.79rpx;
  width: 50%;
  height: 468rpx;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 60.84rpx;
Copy the code

By comparing the code before and after, we can see the unit size conversion (for example: top: 50px; Convert to top: 117rpx;) .

Conversion of units (px to RPX)

What does CSS do?

There are also quite a few CSS Code Parsers for us to choose from Cssom, CssTree, etc.,

We use Cssom to implement a simple transformation of the CSS code above.

 var ast = csstree.parse(code);
    csstree.walk(ast, function(node) {
      if(typeof node.value == "string" && isNaN(node.value) ! =true) {let newVal = Math.floor((node.value*2.34) * 100) / 100;// The conversion ratio can be set according to the situation
          if(node.type === "Dimension") {// Get the size of the number to convertnode.value = newVal; }}if(node.unit === "px") {// Unit processing
        node.unit = "rpx"}});console.log(csstree.generate(ast));
Copy the code

Of course, this is only a demo, the actual project use also according to the actual situation of the project, SCSS, LESS and so on conversion and consider different processing scenarios oh!

Note: Conversion implementations of some of the modules in this article have not been tested in applets.

To interrupt a good thing implemented via AST:

Js2flowchart: Transforming JavaScript code to generate SVG Flowsheets

When you have an AST, you can do anything you want. It’s not necessary to turn the AST back into string code, you can use it to draw a flow chart, or whatever you want.

Js2flowchart What are the workflow scenarios? With flowcharts, you can explain your code or document your code. Learning other people’s code through visual interpretation; Create a flow chart for a simple description of each process using simple JS syntax.

Short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; short-term flow-sheet; It is necessary to attach a screenshot here.

Viii. Summary:

Through our introduction above, we probably have a preliminary understanding of abstract syntax tree. The general idea is that we use Babel’s parser to turn JavaScript source code into an abstract syntax tree,

The AST (abstract syntax tree) is then traversed by Babel’s traverser, replacing, removing, and adding nodes to produce a new AST tree. Finally, Babel’s code Generator module reads the processed AST and converts it into code. Mission accomplished!

In this paper, the conversion of VUE component into wechat applet component includes the following contents:

  1. VUE component JavaScript module external property conversion for small program external property processing
  2. VUE component JavaScript module internal data conversion for small program internal data processing
  3. VUE component JavaScript module methods of the assignment statement into a small program assignment statement processing
  4. VUE component JavaScript module outer object, life cycle hook function processing and CSS module simple processing

I hope that this article will be helpful to all of you. On the road of technological exploration, we will forge ahead and the spirit of Paladin will remain forever!

Thank you for your patience in reading, but also welcome to pay attention to [full stack exploration public number], there will be good technical articles every week!

Further reading

[1] astexplorer.net/

[2] babeljs. IO/docs/en/nex…

[3] github.com/babel/babel…

[4] esprima.org/demo/parse….

[5] segmentfault.com/a/119000001…

[6] zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8A…

[7] itnext. IO/ast – for – jar…

[8] github.com/Bogdan-Lyas…