
Purpose: There are many vUE based backend management systems on the market, such as vue-element-admin and iView-admin, the most popular, but they are too heavy for us to use directly. We have to delete many files in them, and there will be various errors. Therefore, I wondered if I could build a minimalist shelf that I could clone and use directly, so I built the common-manage-system.

1. Directory structure is as follows

The main folders under SRC are as follows:

Vue, breadcrumb. Vue, sidebar. Vue left menu bar

In network, there are interface requests. In the apis folder below, you can categorize interfaces by module or by interface path, depending on your preference. I’ve included examples of get and POST requests:

The network interceptor. Js is mainly an encapsulation of AXIos, which can intercept requests and responses.

Index. js under network is our domain name management file. We can distinguish domain names according to environment variables to determine whether it is a test environment or an online environment.

Under the config folder under store, there is the menu-config.js file, which is used to configure our left menu bar. The details page that we do not want to display need not be added to this menu, but only to router.js in the root directory.

The views folder is where we put our pages, the index.vue folder is the default page, and the common folder is where we put our public pages, such as 404 pages.

The main.js file in the root directory is the entry file for the project, and router.js is the routing configuration page

Env starts with the environment variable configuration file

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