Uninstall Vue CLI2 by using NPM uninstall Vue -cli -g. Type NPM install -g@vue /cli to install vue CLI3; After the installation is complete, run vue –version to check whether the Vue CLI version is 3.0 or later. If yes, the installation is successful.
Ii. Set up Vue project
Run the vue create flow_manage_platform command. Flow_manage_platform indicates the project name. Press up or down to select Manually select features,default (Babel, esLint) (default installation);Press up and down and Enter keys to select the function to install;
To use the router’s history mode, press Enter to go to Next.
Select the CSS preprocessor language, select less/sass(depending on your usage habits), and press Enter to proceed to the next step.
Select In dedicated Config files to separate Babel, PostCSS and other configurations from package.json.
Whether to save the installation configuration, press Enter to go to the next step.
3. After installation, NPM Run serve is successfully started, as shown below:
The structure after successful construction (as shown below) :
It’s a lot leaner, but there are still a lot of differences from vue2.0, and the basic usage changes are not that great
① VUEX (State Management) :
Vue CLI 2: Vuex is installed by NPM after the construction is complete and is not included in the construction process. The default vuex folder (Store) of vue CLI 2 contains three js files: Action (store some asynchronous methods that call the external API interface, and then commit Mutations changes the mutations data), Index (initialize the mutations data, Mutations (a collection of methods that deal with the simultaneous execution of data logic, and the only way to change store data in Vuex)
Vue CLI 3: VUex is an optional preset included in the build up process. By default, vue CLI 3 uses only one store.js file instead of three js files in the store folder. Action, mutations, state, and store getters can be used in many ways
② Router:
Vue cli 2: Router /index.js
Vue cli 3: “router.js” (uses and does the same thing)
③ Delete the static folder and add the public folder
Vue CLI 2: Static is the default folder for storing static resources in Webpack. During packaging, a copy will be directly copied to dist folder without webPack compilation
Vue CLI 3: Discard static and add public. Vue CLI 3 provides two processing methods for Static Resources:
Webpack processing: Resources that are imported in JavaScript or referenced through a “relative path” in template/CSS are compiled and compressed
Webpack-free: Resources placed in a public directory or referenced via an absolute path will be copied “directly” without any compilation or compression
(4) index. HTML:
Vue cli 2: “index.html”
Vue CLI 3: “public/index.html” This template is handled by the html-webpack-plugin
5. The SRC/views:
Vue CLI 3 SRC folder added views folder to store “pages”, distinguish components
⑥ Remove the build and config folders:
In Vue CLI 3, you can configure the development server using command-line parameters, or the devServer field in vue.config.js (create a new vue.config.js file in the root directory)
All landowners Babel. Config. Js:
Configure the Babel. The Vue CLI uses the new configuration format babel.config.js in Babel 7. Unlike the Babel field in.babelrc or package.json, this configuration file does not use a file location-based scheme, but is applied consistently to all files below the project root, including dependencies inside node_modules. The official recommendation is to always use babel.config.js instead of other formats in Vue CLI projects.
The root directory of some other files changed: Create a new vue.config.js file in the root directory and preset your configuration. For details, see the documentation. I’ve listed a few at the bottom
Module.exports = {baseUrl: process.env.node_env === ‘production’? ‘’ : ‘’,
--no-clean to turn off the behavior outputDir: 'dist', // assetsDir (relative to outputDir) for static resources (js, CSS, img, fonts) generated during build: ", // Specify the output path of the generated index.html (relative to outputDir). It could be an absolute path. IndexPath: 'index.html', // default to include hash in generated static resource file names to control caching filenameHashing: true, // Build multi-page applications, configure pages: {index: {// Page entry: 'SRC /index/main.js', // template source template: 'public/index.html', // output filename in dist/index.html: 'index.html, / / when using title option, / / title of the template tag needs to be < title > < % = htmlWebpackPlugin. Options. The title % > < / title > title: 'Index Page', // Blocks contained in this Page will by default contain generic chunks and Vendor chunks extracted by //. chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'index']}, // If entry only string formats are used, // templates are inferred to 'public/subpage.html' // and if not found, Go back to 'public/index.html'. // The output file name is derived to 'subpage.html'. Subpage: 'SRC /subpage/main.js'}, // Whether to use eslint-loader in development environment to save lint code every time (eslint-loader is disabled for production builds) lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV ! == 'production', // Whether to use the Vue build with runtimeCompiler: false, // Babel transpileDependencies: [], // if you don't need the productionSourceMap, you can set it to false to speed up the productionSourceMap: True, // Sets the crossorigin attributes of the generated HTML <link rel="stylesheet"> and <script> tags. // Enable Subresource Integrity (SRI) Integrity on <link rel="stylesheet"> and <script> tags in the generated HTML: False, // If the value is an object, it is merged into the final configuration via webpack-merge // If you need to conditionally configure the behavior based on the environment, or if you want to modify the configuration directly, replace it with a function (which executes lazily after the environment variable is set). The first parameter to the method receives the parsed configuration. Inside the function, you can directly modify the configuration, or return an object that will be merged configureWebpack: {}, // Internal Webpack configuration (such as modify, add Loader options) chainWebpack: () =>{}, // CSS processing CSS: {// When true, CSS file name can be omitted module default is false modules: When building as a library, you can also set it to false to prevent users from importing their own CSS. // The default is true for production and false for development. Extract: False, // Whether to enable source map for the CSS. Setting this to true may affect build performance sourceMap: False, // Pass options to csS-related loader (csS-loader postCSs-loader sass-loader less-loader stylus-loader) loaderOptions: {CSS: {}, less: {}}}, // All webpack-dev-server options support devServer: {}, // Whether to use threadloader parallel for Babel or TypeScript: require(' OS ').cpus().length > 1, // pass the option PWA to the PWA plugin: }, // Can be used to pass any third party pluginOptions: {}Copy the code
} devServer configuration:
Four, the last
I hope I can help beginners to write some examples for you to get started in the next article