Learn about libraries and frameworks before learning VUe
Distinguish between frameworks and class libraries, etc
1. The class library
The class library provides methods that are commonly used in real projects. It is a toolkit that allows you to quickly develop projects with columns like jQuery, Zepto, underscore…
2. The plug-in
Plug-ins encapsulate a specific function in the project, such as: TAB TAB plug-in, BANNER wheel map plug-in, DIALOG modal box plug-in, DRAG DRAG plug-in
3. The UI components
UI component library is generally a collection of multiple plug-ins, not only provides the corresponding functions of JS, but also implements the structure, style, etc., such as: Bootstrap, swiper, MUI, sister UI…
4. The framework
Framework is a synthesis of class libraries and components, which provides a large number of methods for us to operate, but also the corresponding UI component library for our rapid development; The framework has independent programming ideas. For example, VUE is MVVM. Let’s bid farewell to the traditional DOM operation and complete the project development according to the mutual rendering of view and data. JS frameworks include vUE (MVVM) and React (MVC). APP Frameworks: Uni-App, React Native, Flutter, Angular (ng)
VUE is incremental is framework, MVVM framework
Progressive framework
Progressive: class library or framework are heavyweight, which contains a lot of methods, in the actual development we may not all use, so in the framework development, the function according to the module for separate development, users can import the corresponding module according to the demand for use
- Vue family bucket:
- Vue: Basic modules (basic syntax, core implementation, component development, related instructions, etc.)
- Vue-router: indicates the route to build the SPA single-page application
- Vuex: Public status management
- Vue-cli: Vue scaffolding
- Components: Vue Element, iView, VUX…
The MVVM/MVC framework
MVVM is bidirectional data binding: VUE itself implements the mutual listening influence of data and views
MVC is one-way data binding, data changes can render the view, but the view changes, the corresponding data does not change, need to own in the control layer based on the change event data change (REACT).
- M: mode Data layer
- V: View View layer
- Vm: the listening layer of viewModel data and view. When data or view changes, the VM layer will listen and change or render the corresponding layer (Vue is the VM listening layer).
- Data layer changes: VM will help us re-render the view
- View layer changes: THE VM will also help us change the data again
The last
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