May you be treated gently by the world
With love in my heart
Summary of the Vue
Vue: Progressive JavaScript framework
Progressive: Declarative rendering –> component systems –> client routing –> centralized state management –> Project build
Official API:
Basic use of Vue
Here’s a quick example: Write hello World to native JS and jquery, respectively
Both methods can do this, but the programmer is clever, so I thought, is there any easy way, so Vue came into being
Vue hello World implementation basic process:
Basic steps:
- Labels need to be provided to populate the data
- The VUE library file needs to be imported
- Functions can be implemented using Vue’s semantics
- Populate the label with the data provided by Vue
Code implementation
Example parameter analysis:
- El: mount position of the element
Associate data with a tag
(The value can be a CSS selector or DOM element) - Data: Model data (value is an object)
Interpolation expression usage:
- Populate the data with HTML tags
- Interpolation supports basic computation operations
For example:
{{1 + 2}}can print a result of 3
Vue code operation principle analysis
- Overview of the compilation process (Vue syntax -> native syntax)
The front-end rendering
To fill the data into the HTML tag, front-end rendering can be done in several ways:
- Native JS concatenated string
- Use a front-end template engine
- Use Vue specific template syntax
Definition: Directives are essentially custom properties, but the format is fixed, starting with a V- (like v-cloak)
The V-cloak command is used
- Interpolation has the problem of “flickering”
- Use the V-cloak command to solve the problem
- Principle: Hide first, replace the value and then display the final value
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
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<div v-cloak>
{{ message }}
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Data binding instruction
- V-text fills plain text (no flashing disadvantages)
<div v-text="msg"></div>
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- V-html populates HTML fragments
- The V-Pre fills in the raw information and skips compilation
Data response
Html5 responsiveness (screen adaptation, changes in screen size lead to changes in style)
Responsiveness of data (changes in data lead to changes in page content)
MSG = 3, the front-end rendering interface will also change to 3, we call this change process of data responsiveness
V-once: compiles only once, displays the content no longer has the responsive function, for example, we set:
<div v-once>{{info}}</div>
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When we change the value of a property in the browser Console, the front end interface does not send the change, i.e., no data response occurs
Two-way data binding
When the user changes the content of the page, the data will change, and if the data changes, it will affect the content of the interpolation, which in turn affects the content of the front-end rendering
Principle: Data hijacking combined with publisher – subscriber mode is used to hijack setter and getter of each attribute through Object.defineProperty(). When data changes, messages are published to subscribers and corresponding listener callbacks are triggered.
Core: using Object.defineProperty() to realize the hijacking of attributes, to achieve the purpose of monitoring data changes,
V-model specifies the usage
The corresponding property value needs to be bound
<input type="text" v-model="msg">
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MVVM design ideas
- M(Model) is essentially the data in data
- V (View) view, which is essentially a DOM element
- VM(View-Model) control logic, to combine the two, view and data interaction must be through the VM mediation
As shown in , we use the V-on :click command to bind the button event, and then write a div to display the output num value. The effect is that every time we click on the button, num will increase by 1, and the num value within the div will change:
How the event function is called
One caveat: this refers to an instance of Vue. You cannot write num++ directly inside a function
Event function parameter passing
- Ordinary parameters and event objects pass concrete parameters into the handle() function and print them out
If you need to pass the corresponding event object, the last argument to the function represents the event object: fixed format code:
<button type="button" @click="handle(123,$event)">Click on the</button>
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Event modifier
- .stop prevents bubbling
<div @click="handle">
<button @click.stop="bubbing">The bubbling</butto>
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Native JS implementation method:
- .prevent Prevents default behavior
<a href="" @click.prevent="skip">baidu</a>
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Native JS implementation:
<div id="app">
<div @click="handle">
<button @click.stop="bubbing">The bubbling</button>
<a href="" @click.prevent="skip">baidu</a>
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<script type="text/javascript"> var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { num: 0, }, methods: { handle: function() { this.num++; }, bubbing: function(event) {// stop bubbles // event.stopPropagation(); }, skip: function(event) {// preventDefault behavior // event.preventdefault (); } } }) </script>Copy the code
Key modifier
- < input V-ON :keyup. Enter =”submit” >
- Delete the delete key
Custom key modifier
Let’s write a function that prints out the key code
handleCount: function (event) {
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We now define a key modifier: we know from the previous step that the key code for 3 is 99, so we just add 99 after keyup. In this case, the console value is only used when typing 3, and nothing else is executed on the keyboard.
<div>Number:<input type="text" v-on:keyup.99="handleCount" v-model="number">
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Simple calculator
Note: The input number is assumed to be an integer
Attributes bind
V – bind usage
Dynamically bind one or more attributes, or a component prop, to an expression
Example function: Dynamically add URL to a tag, click switch, change the VALUE of URL
V – the usage model
Create a bidirectional binding on a form control or component
<input v-model="message" placeholder="edit me">
<p>Message is: {{ message }}</p>
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Style binding
Class style handling
- Object syntax
<div v-bind:class="{active: isActive}"></div>
<div v-on:click="change">Switch to hide</div>
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In the Methods section, notice a small detail here, this.isActive =! this.isActive; , instead of this.isActive = false; If assigned to false, the div will not be displayed when you click toggle again
change: function () {
this.isActive = !this.isActive;
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- The array syntax active and error are class names
<div v-bind:class="[activeClass, errorClass]"></div>
<div v-on:click="change">Switch to hide</div>
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data: {
activeClass: 'active'.errorClass: 'text-danger'
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Branching cycle structure
Branching structure
- v-if
- v-else
- v-else-if
- V-show, controls whether the element style is displayed
Difference between V-if and V-show
V-if controls whether elements are rendered to the page, and v-show controls whether elements are rendered to the page.
Comprehensive use of judgment function: output grade
Loop structure
Make sure the names are consistent
data: {
fruits: ['apple'.'orange'.'banana']},Copy the code
<li v-for="item in fruits">{{item}}</li>
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Based on the UI effect of data reconstruction, first provide a Vue template, and then basically this template to do the binding of events, that is, the processing of JS control logic, and these two are glued together through the Vue instance object, to achieve perfect front-end functions
Common Vue features
Form action
When writing forms, we usually use Submit to submit, but submit automatically submits forms. In order to meet relevant requirements more conveniently, the following is used:
Note here that to prevent the default submit form action of Submit, we use Prevent
Custom instruction
When the built-in instructions do not meet the requirements, we can customize the instructions
Example syntax rules for custom directives (get element focus)
Calculate attribute
Vue introduces new concepts that make template content more concise examples: use computed attributes, simplify control logic, and implement alphabetical transposition
According to the JS we learned before, if we need to swap the data of the string, Xu Ya first uses the split() function to split the string into an array, then uses the reverse() function to swap the order of the array and return the original array, and finally uses the join() function to convert the array into a string. This process is relatively complicated.
The evaluated property must have a return value
The listener
When the data inside the data changes, methods bound inside the listener are triggered to handle asynchronous or expensive operations
Extension: This example can also be implemented using computed attributes, which is simpler, but note that computed attributes, computed, must have a return value
The filter
Function: Formats data
The life cycle
The main stage
All lifecycle hooks automatically bind this context to the instance, so you can access data and perform operations on properties and methods.
Mount (initialize related properties)
Update (operation to change an element or component)
Destroy (destroy related attributes)
- Type: the Function
- Details:
This function, once fired, indicates that the initialization is complete, and is often used to call the background interface to get the data and populate it with the template.
Called after the el instance is mounted, when el is replaced by the newly created vm.$el. If the instance is mounted to an element in a document, vm.$el is in the document when Mounted is called.
Note: Mounted does not ensure that all child components are mounted together. If you want to wait until the entire view is rendered, use vm.$nextTick inside Mounted:
mounted: function () {
this.$nextTick(function () {
// Code that will run only after the
// entire view has been rendered})}Copy the code
This hook is not called during server-side rendering.
Integrated case exercise
- After entering the number and name, click Add to add the content to the table
- After clicking Modify, the id cannot be modified. After modifying the name, update the list without adding a single line
- After clicking Delete, delete the entire row
Detailed code: source code
The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passage. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow.
Componentized development
- standard
- Divide and conquer
- reuse
- combination
Componentized specification: Web Components (create custom elements that encapsulate functionality)
The component registration
Global component registration syntax
Parameter 1 is the component name, singular 2 is an object, and the two important attributes of the object are data, which represents the data needed internally, and template, which represents the content of the template
Component usage
Component names can be referenced directly in HTML
<div id="app">
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Component registration Considerations
- Data must be a function
Essentially, using functions creates a closure environment that ensures that each component has a separate piece of data.
- The component template content must be a single trailing element such as the
face. If we add a sibling element to a button, the browser will report an error
template: '< div > < button @ click = "count + +" > click the {{count}} time < / button > < button > test < / button > < / div >'
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- The content of the component template can be a template string (browser compatible with ES6 syntax). For example, the content of the template above is displayed on a single line, which is not very beautiful, so we use our template string, we need to add two after the template
` `
Number to increase the readability of the code
template: ` < div > < button @ click = "count + +" > click the {{count}} time < / button > < button > test < / button > < / div > `
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- Component naming
- Short line mode
Vue.component('my-component-name', { / *... * / })
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- Hump way
Note: If you use this method, you can only use the hump in the string template when using components. In the normal label template, you must use the dash name
Vue.component('MyComponentName', { / *... * / })
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Local component registration
var ComponentA = { / *... * / }
var ComponentB = { / *... * / }
var ComponentC = { / *... * / }
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Then define the components you want to use in the Components option:
new Vue({
el: '#app'.components: {
// "Component name" : the content of the component (which can be extracted into the object)
'component-a': ComponentA,
'component-b': ComponentB
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<div id="app">
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// Local component registration
// Define the component HeA
let HeA = {
data: function() {
return {
msg: 'hello'}},template: '<div>{{msg}}</div>'
// Define the component HeB
let HeB = {
data: function() {
return {
msg: 'hello22'}},template: '<div>{{msg}}</div>'
// Register with Components
let vm = new Vue({
el: '#app'.data: {},components: {
'he-a': HeA,
'he-b': HeB
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Component slot
The role of component slots
- The parent component passes content to the child component
The blue one on the left represents the parent component
Dusk is the most beautiful time of day,
May every stray heart, under a lamp, get a permanent home.
Interface call mode
- Native ajax
- Jquery-based Ajax
- fetch
- axios
Here add the client and server communication mode, the client through the browser sends a request, the request to the server via the Internet, after arriving in the server, the server will return the corresponding content, and there are two main types of the content of the return format, can be a complete HTML page, also can be a specific format of the data, such as json
HTTP Request Mode
- GET the query
- The POST to add
- PUT to modify
Promise usage
The asynchronous call
- Asynchronous effect analysis
- Timing task
- Ajax
- Event functions
Summary of Promise
Promise is a solution to asynchronous programming. Syntactically, promises are an object from which to retrieve messages for asynchronous operations.
Promise basic usage
- Instantiate the Promise object, passing function in constructor, used to handle asynchronous tasks
- Resolve and reject are used to process successful and failed cases, and p. Chen is used to obtain the processing result
The return value of the function in the then argument
- Return the Promise instance object, which calls the next THEN
- Returns a normal value, which is passed directly to the next THEN, which is received by the argument of the function in the THEN argument
Common APIS for Promise
- P. then() gets the correct result of the asynchronous task
- P.catch () gets an exception message
- Of () success or failure will be executed (informal standard)
Interface call -fetch usage
Grammatical structure
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Basic usage
- Common Configuration Options
- Method (String) : HTTP request method. The default value is GET
- Body (String):HTTP request parameter
- Header (Object) :Http request header. The default value is {} GET. Parameters can be passed in either of the following ways:
Parameter passing in POST request mode
Basic concepts and principles of routing
- Back-end routing:
- Concept: Return different content according to different user URL requests
- Essence: The mapping between the URL request address and the server resource
- Concept: Display different page content according to different user events
- Essence: Correspondence between user events and event handlers
The front-end route is responsible for event listening, and after the event is triggered, different content is rendered through the event function