Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.
Before we simply learned the initial use of VUe-Router, and to achieve a specific study today Vue project small actual practice of page switching: routing VUe-Router
Vue-router Indicates the use of front-end routes
The difference between the front and back end routes
Back-end routes return different content based on different urls
Front-end routes switch different components based on different hash values
Hash mode code implementation
Listen for hashchange changes for path processing
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Parsing the hash mode of front-end routes</title>
<script src=""></script>
<a href="#/page-one">page-one</a>
<a href="#/page-two">page-two</a>
<a href="#/page-three">page-three</a>
<div id="box"></div>
const routes = [
path: '/page-one'.component: './template/one.html'
path: '/page-two'.component: './template/two.html'
path: '/page-three'.component: './template/three.html'},]let hash = location.hash // Get the hash value
if(! hash) { location.hash ='#/one' // The default hash value is '#/one'
hash = location.hash.replace(The '#'.' ') // Remove the '#' from the hash
let cache = {} // used as a cache
window.addEventListener('hashchange'.() = > {
hash = location.hash.replace(The '#'.' ')
routes.forEach(item= > {
if(item.path === hash) {
if(cache[hash]) { // If there are accessed objects in the cache, use the objects in the cache
} else {
$.ajax(item.component).then(res= >{$('#box').html(res)
cache[hash] = res
Copy the code
How to use routes and redirect routes and 404 pages
Child routing uses children
- Exact matches only when the style is applied
Routing and the cords
<router-link :to={'name': name :params:{key-value pair.... }}
import axios from "axios"
Copy the code
Use it once in the entry file for other components
Copy the code
Components are not uninstalled when routing parameters are switched
However, when a routing component is switched, the component is unloaded
const routes: [
path: 'pageone'.component: './template/PageOne.html'}, {path: 'pageone'.component: './template/PageTwo.html'}, {path: 'pageone'.component: './template/PageThree.html'],},Copy the code
Routing and the cords
This.$ props
The third kind of