The premise

A platform based on the internal chat project, the need to achieve users can chat with each other to send messages, can add friends and other functions. The message must be real-time, and the user can receive the offline message after logging off.

Technology stack

Vue.js + Html5 + CSS3 + Sass + Vuex + Axios + Websocket, etc

The source code


Project instance

  • Because the project interface is an online interface and runs locally you can point your local loaclhost address to
  • Or simply visit the online address and register an account in another project community and return to experience it

Technical difficulties

  • From the friends list to the chat list of the launch
  • Message storage
  • An immediate change in the offline state
  • The number of notifications received and unread messages
  • Notification of friend deletion and so on

Project running

  • Git clone…
  • npm install
  • npm run dev

Project screenshots

Welcome to pay attention to the public account [Xiaoyao students]