I’ve been cleaning up the code recently and I feel this feature is quite interesting to record

Is to be able to casually draw lines on the map, selected can be deleted and modified at will, also can query the database according to the database lines to edit, mainly used the plug-in function provided by Autonavi, the back end is in accordance with a line a line to save a starting coordinate an end coordinate only save straight lines

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The specific code is as follows

  <div class="map">
    <div class="GDMap" ref="GDMap" id="GDMap"></div>
    <div class="btns">
        :props="{ expandTrigger: 'hover' }"
      <el-input id="name" name="name" v-model="roadName" placeholder="Please enter the road name"></el-input>
      <div class="btnsdiv">
        <el-button class="btnItem" type="primary" plain @click="queryLine">Query section</el-button>
        <el-button class="btnItem" type="info" plain @click="draw">Began to draw</el-button>
        <el-button class="btnItem" type="danger" plain @click="delectLine">To delete lines</el-button>
        <el-button class="btnItem" type="success" plain @click="comit">submit</el-button>
    <div class="seachRoad">
        <el-input id="keyword" ref="keyword" type="text" placeholder="Please enter road name keyword :(search after selection)" v-model="seachText"></el-input>

import AMap from 'AMap' // Introduce amap
import axios from 'axios'
import roadApi from '.. /api/road'
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      seachText: ' '.autocomplete: ' '.GDMap: null.city: ['Shanghai'.'Shanghai'].cityOptions: [].roadName: ' '.mouseTool: null.polyline: null.currentLine: null.PolyEditor: null.path: [].lineList: []
  created () {
  mounted () {
    this.GDMap = new AMap.Map('GDMap', {
      zoom: 10./ / level
      center: [121.523362.31.172272].// Center point coordinates
      mapStyle: 'amap://styles/be21eca74ae720ac8eac408ebb004414'
  methods: {
    async initCity () {
      var res = await axios.get('/js/city.json')
      res.data.provinces.forEach(item= > {
        var cityItem = {
          value: item.provinceName,
          label: item.provinceName,
          children: []
        item.citys.forEach(val= > {
            value: val.citysName,
            label: val.citysName
    initMap () {
      var _this = this
      this.GDMap.plugin(['AMap.MouseTool'.'AMap.PolyEditor'.'AMap.Autocomplete'.'AMap.PlaceSearch'].function () {
        // The mouse plug-in is initialized
        _this.mouseTool = new AMap.MouseTool(_this.GDMap)
        AMap.event.addListener(_this.mouseTool, 'draw'.function (e) {
          _this.polyline = e.obj
          // Register click events for line and control modification deletion
        // Search the path
    // Search the path
    mapSeachRoad () {
      var autoOptions = {
        city: this.city[1].// city, default national
        input: document.getElementById('keyword')}this.autocomplete = new AMap.Autocomplete(autoOptions)
      var placeSearch = new AMap.PlaceSearch({
        city: this.city[1].map: this.GDMap
      AMap.event.addListener(this.autocomplete, 'select'.function (e) {
    async queryLine () {
      // Clear the history before querying
      this.lineList = []
      this.path = []
      var res = await roadApi.getLineByRoadName({
        roadName: this.roadName,
        city: this.city[1]})console.log(res)
      for (let i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {
        var path = [
          new AMap.LngLat(parseFloat(res.data[i].startLng), parseFloat(res.data[i].startLat)),
          new AMap.LngLat(parseFloat(res.data[i].endLng), parseFloat(res.data[i].endLat))
        var seachPolyline = new AMap.Polyline({
          path: path,
          borderWeight: 2.// Line width, default is 1
          strokeWeight: 5.cursor: 'crosshair'.fillColor: '#00b0ff'.strokeColor: 'red'.lineJoin: 'round' // The style of the inflection point
        var _this = this
        this.GDMap.plugin(['AMap.PolyEditor'].function () {
    polylineClick (polyline) {
      var _this = this
      polyline.on('click'.function (w) {
        // Close the draw that is being drawn, and close any modifiers that may appear before it
        // Close the previously opened modifier
        if(_this.PolyEditor ! = =null) {
        _this.currentLine = w.target
        _this.PolyEditor = new AMap.PolyEditor(_this.GDMap, w.target)
    draw () {
      // Close the previously opened modifier
      if (this.PolyEditor ! = =null) {
      this.polyline = this.mouseTool.polyline({
        cursor: 'auto'.strokeColor: 'red'.strokeWeight: '4'.draggable: 'true'
    delectLine () {
      if (this.currentLine ! =null) {
        this.lineList = this.lineList.filter(val= >val ! = =this.currentLine)
        this.currentLine = null
        // Since clicking on a line automatically opens the modifier, close it and use deleteType to control whether the callback is executed
      } else {
        this.$message.warning('Please select the line first')}},async comit () {
      // Close the previously opened modifiers to prevent users from submitting the modified data without closing the modifiers
      if (this.PolyEditor ! = =null) {
      this.lineList.forEach((val, inx) = > {
        const paths = {
          type: inx,
          path: []
        val.getPath().forEach(item= > {
      let comitPath = []
      for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
        // Get the path to each line
        var linePath = this.path[i].path
        // Traverses the path
        for (let j = 0; j < linePath.length; j++) {
          // If you haven't reached the last coordinate point yet
          if(j ! == (linePath.length -1)) {
              id: ' '.startLng: linePath[j].lng,
              startLat: linePath[j].lat,
              endLng: linePath[j + 1].lng,
              endLat: linePath[j + 1].lat,
              index: j,
              roadName: this.roadName,
              city: this.city[1]
      comitPath = JSON.stringify(comitPath)
      var res = await roadApi.add({
        road: comitPath,
        roadName: this.roadName
      this.lineList = []
      this.path = []
      this.$message.success('Submitted successfully')}}}</script>
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