I. Custom V-Model
(1) Concept:
The V-model can be thought of as the syntactic sugar of the value+input method.
The component’s V-model is the syntactic sugar for the value+input method.
V -model bindings include: input, checkbox, Select, Textarea, radio
(2) How to implement custom V-Model, detailed attached code parent component:
Child components:
Second, $nextTick
- Vue is asynchronous rendering
- Asynchronous rendering: DOM does not render immediately after vue data changes
- The $nextTick is triggered after DOM rendering to get the latest DOM node
Third, slot.
This example applies only to named and scoped slots: Named slot: a slot with a specific name that specifies which slot to replace the contents of the template. If multiple slots are required, you can use a special feature of the
element named to define named slots
Scope slot:It is understood that a scope slot in a child component can provide data for the display of a slot in a parent component
The parent component:
Child components:
Dynamic components
- :is = “component-name” usage
- Need to dynamically render the scene according to the data. That is, the component type is uncertain
How does VUE load components asynchronously
- The import () function
- Load on demand, load large components asynchronously
How does Vue cache the keep-alive component
- Cache components
- Frequent switching, no need to repeat the rendering
- Vue common performance optimizations
Seven, mixin
Multiple components have the same logic, pull it out
Mixins are not perfect solutions, and there are problems
- Variable sources are not clear, which is not conducive to reading
- Multiple mixins can cause naming conflicts
- Mixins have a many-to-many relationship with components, resulting in high complexity
Vue3’s Composition API aims to address these issues
MixinDemo. Vue: