github: vue form render

The online demo

Introduction to the

When we write some general background pages, we have to deal with forms a lot. So if you want to be lazy, you might think is there a way not to be a forms engineer? Using code to solve repetitive human work, yes, we can describe our form information with JSON Schema, which is much more convenient than repeating form writing controls.

But JSON Schema to form mapping, is the need to pay attention to, so… Does the industry have a better plan? The answer is yes, as shown in the following form rendering tools:

  • Form Render
  • Formliy
  • .

Formliy is a powerful form renderer. It is currently the most React friendly. There is a vue-Formly for Vue, but only for Vue 2.x. Formliy is also very powerful, supporting not only JSON Schema but also JSX Schema for rendering forms. We simply need a lightweight, easy-to-use framework based on JSON Schema standards like Form Render.

So we have Vue 3.x based Form Render


Vue-form-render is a vue 3.x form renderer implemented as a prototype based on the basic capabilities of Form render. It currently supports about 90% of the form render function, and will continue to maintain support in the future.

Use the demo


import {reactive, toRefs} from 'vue';

// render index
import FormRender from 'kaer-form-render';
// form render style
import 'kaer-form-render/lib/kaer-form-render.css';

export default {
  name: 'App'.setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      schema: {
        type: 'object'.properties: {
          string: {
            title: 'string'.type: 'string'.maxLength: 4,}}},formData: {
        string: 'aaa'}});const change = (v) = > {
      state.formData = v;
    const validate = (v) = > {

    return {
  components: {

Copy the code


  • supportexcelImport data, convenient and quick generationform Data
  • Drag-and-drop sorting is supported
"listName2": {
  "title": "Object array"."description": "Object array nesting function"."type": "array"."minItems": 1."maxItems": 3."ui:displayType": "row"."items": {
    "type": "object"."properties": {
      "input1": {
        "title": "Simple input field"."type": "string"
      "selet1": {
        "title": "Radio"."type": "string"."enum": [
          "a"."b"."c"]."enumNames": [
          "Early"."In"."Night"]}}}}Copy the code


 "string": {
  "title": "String"."type": "string"."maxLength": 4."ui:options": {
    "placeholder": "Try to enter more than 4 characters."}}Copy the code


 "color": {
  "title": "Color selection"."type": "string"."format": "color"
Copy the code


 "date": {
  "title": "Date selection"."type": "string"."format": "date"
Copy the code


"image": {
  "title": "Picture display"."type": "string"."format": "image"
Copy the code


"allNumber": {
  "title": "The number class"."type": "object"."properties": {
    "number1": {
      "title": "Digital input box"."description": "1-1000"."type": "number"."min": 1."max": 1000
    "number2": {
      "title": "With sliders"."type": "number"."ui:widget": "slider"}}}Copy the code


"allBoolean": {
  "title": "A Boolean type"."type": "object"."properties": {
    "radio": {
      "title": "Yes or no"."type": "boolean"
    "switch": {
      "title": "Switch control"."type": "boolean"."ui:widget": "switch"}}}Copy the code


 "allRange": {
  "title": "The range class"."type": "object"."properties": {
    "dateRange": {
      "title": "Date range"."type": "range"."format": "dateTime"."ui:options": {
        "placeholder": [
          "Start time"."End time"]}}}}Copy the code


 "allEnum": {
  "title": "Select class"."type": "object"."properties": {
    "select": {
      "title": "Radio"."type": "string"."enum": [
        "a"."b"."c"]."enumNames": [
        "Early"."In"."Night"]},"radio": {
      "title": "Radio"."type": "string"."enum": [
        "a"."b"."c"]."enumNames": [
        "Early"."In"."Night"]."ui:widget": "radio"
    "multiSelect": {
      "title": "Pops"."description": "Pull down multiple options"."type": "array"."items": {
        "type": "string"
      "enum": [
        "A"."B"."C"."D"]."enumNames": [
        "Hangzhou"."Wuhan"."Lake"."Guiyang"]."ui:widget": "multiSelect"
    "boxes": {
      "title": "Pops"."description": "checkbox"."type": "array"."items": {
        "type": "string"
      "enum": [
        "A"."B"."C"."D"]."enumNames": [
        "Hangzhou"."Wuhan"."Lake"."Guiyang"]}}}Copy the code


"obj1": {
  "title": Collapsible object."description": "This is an object type."."type": "object"."ui:options": {
    "collapsed": true
  "properties": {
    "input1": {
      "title": "Input box 1"."type": "string"
    "input2": {
      "title": "Input box 2"."type": "string"}}}Copy the code


  "type": "object"."properties": {
    "content": {
      "title": "Rich text editor"."type": "string"."format": "richText"}}}Copy the code



parameter instructions type The default value
schame JSON Schema object
formData Form data object


The event name instructions The callback function
on-change The user triggers a callback function that updates the form function(value: formData)
on-validate The user triggers the validation callback function for form updates function(value: validates)

The last

Welcome to use and PR, we work together to create a good vue form Render

github: vue form render

The online demo