We need to investigate the migration of VUE 2 to VUE 3 for internal sharing.
I think there’s only one translator online so far, the first few chapters.
But I was in a hurry, so I had to turn it over myself. Translator level 4 is not passed, all depends on Youdao and Google.
Vue 3 keyCode Modifiers
An overview of
Here’s a brief summary of the changes:
- Breaking: No longer supported
Modifier that can only use numbers, that is, keycodes - Breaking: Not supported
2. X syntax
In Vue 2, keyCodes are a way to modify V-on methods.
<! -- keyCode version -->
<input v-on:keyup.13="submit" />
<! -- alias version -->
<input v-on:keyup.enter="submit" />
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In addition, you can customize aliases through the global config.keycodes option.
Vue.config.keyCodes = {
f1: 112
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<! -- keyCode version -->
<input v-on:keyup.112="showHelpText" />
<! -- custom alias version -->
<input v-on:keyup.f1="showHelpText" />
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3. X syntax
Since KeyboardEvent. KeyCode is deprecated, it is no longer supported in Vue 3. Therefore, it is now recommended to name all keys as modifiers using kebab-case.
<! -- Vue 3 Key Modifier on v-on -->
<input v-on:keyup.delete="confirmDelete" />
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As a result, this means that config.keycodes are now also deprecated and will no longer be supported.
Migration strategy
For users who use keyCode in their code base, it is recommended to convert to the kebab-case named equivalent.
KeyboardEvent. KeyCode is deprecated, so vUE 3 is implemented as KeyboardEvent. Key, I guess. See Mdn Key Values.