The editors recommend

Yu Creek joins byte front-end experts to talk about Vue 3.0 & new trends in front-end technology

At 7pm on March 24th, the column of “Gold Digging Night Talk” sponsored by bytedance’s rare Earth Mining technology community will invite Yuxiyou, the author of Vue. Js & Vite, to talk about the new trend of Vue 3.0 & front-end technology with Bytedance’s three front-end developers, Yue Ying, Guo Hui and Qu Guangyu.

Deep reading

Zero basic understanding of ESLint’s core principles

ESLint mainly does three things: “find code problems”, “auto-fix”, and “customize rules”. This article explains in detail the steps ESLint runs and the details of each step.

Project stability Governance Thinking: fifteen defensive CSS skills

The role of defensive CSS is a backstop to conventional CSS, which is an important but easily overlooked part of achieving project stability. The article sorted out 15 practical style of extremely high means, immediately after learning can be applied to the project.

Thoughts and practice on the construction of NetEase Cloud Music low code system

Foreign language selection

Working alone is so exhausting so I created my own assistant

For a sec, I think about hiring somebody, but I don’t have money for that.So here is my attempt to create my personal assistant with discord and notion API and, what I learned from this project.

How to set up a professional React project (including screencast)

Based on the most popular React tech stack this article will guide you through the setup of a new application using: Next.js, TS, ESLint, Prettier, etc.

Practical application

Share 63 open source project tools for front-end developers

Gospel of collecting mania! This article introduces 63 very useful tools, including: Dayjs, Mono Icon, Blob generator, etc.

Based on Nest. Js +TypeORM combat, the project has been open source, recommended!

Nest. Js practical series of articles, the author talked about a lot of full stack technology, module design ideas, a very detailed tutorial.

What is the LRU algorithm?

What is the LRU algorithm? What does it have to do with caching? How do you do that? The article is not long, 10 minutes can use LRU algorithm.