Objective: VuE3 + TS project framework building

Vue –verison or vUe-v

As shown in the picture, the version does not meet, uninstall and reinstall

A search on the web found the following two commands to update the version

 npm uninstall -g @vue/cli
 npm install -g @vue/cli
Copy the code

However, the operation did not succeed, and the two commands were executed, but the upgrade failed, and a lot of errors were reported. The operation was repeated, but the version was still 4.2

Vue – CLI upgrade failure is caused by yarn installation? As a result, press this command to upgrade with YARN, and sure enough, it worked. On the computer, use NPM and YARN at the same time.

Having successfully upgraded to version 4.5 or above, I had the pleasure of creating a PROJECT for VUe3.0, manually selecting TS

Take a look at the project launch screen

Let’s take a look at the structure of the successfully created project and start the fun code journey